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Variable | Description | Data Type |
global.theme | Current UI theme. Can be used to retrieve or modify the theme. | String |
global.gameplay | Gameplay settings. Can be used to retrieve the gameplay settings as defined in your Game Configuration. | Codex |
global.time | Current in-game time (value will be between 0 and the configured day/night duration in seconds). | Number |
global.day | Current in-game day. Value begins at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each day/night cycle that passes. | Number |
global.gravity | Current gravity used by free movement maps. Can be used to retrieve or modify the gravity. | Number |
global.random_seed | Seed value for random number generation (must be an integer). | Number |
global.noise_seed | Seed value for Get Noise 2D and Get Noise 3D scripting functions (must be an integer). | Number |
Variable | Description | Data Type |
camera.direction | Direction in which the camera is currently facing (nearest cardinal direction, either NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, or EAST). | Cardinal Direction |
camera.type | Current camera type (STANDARD, ISOMETRIC, or FIRST_PERSON). | Camera Type |
camera.view_model | Current view model entity for the camera. Can be used to retrieve or modify the view model. | Entity |
Variable | Description | Data Type |
party.member[“x”] | Character in the player's party, where “x” is the character's member ID as assigned via the Add Party Member function. The primary player character can be referenced using a member ID of “player”. | Entity |
party | Codex containing all members of the player's party. It will contain a key for each member ID, with each corresponding value a reference to the character. This can also be used as shorthand for “party.member”, e.g. party[“member_id”] is equivalent to party.member[“member_id”]. | Codex |
In order to see a full list of properties that are available for each lookup type, you can use the Print function to print the codex to the debug console. Refer to the codex documentation for more details about reading values from a codex.
Syntax | Description |
item[“ITEM_0001”] | Gives a codex containing properties of the specified item, where “ITEM_0001” is the item's ID as assigned in the Item Editor. |
skill[“SKILL_0001”] | Gives a codex containing properties of the specified skill, where “SKILL_0001” is the skill's ID as assigned in the Stats Editor. |
status[“STATUS_0001”] | Gives a codex containing properties of the specified status effect, where “STATUS_0001” is the status effect's ID as assigned in the Stats Editor. |
quest[“QUEST_0001”] | Gives a codex containing properties of the specified quest, where “QUEST_0001” is the quest's ID as assigned in the Quest Editor. |
Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are optional. If an optional parameter is passed to a function, any preceding optional parameters must also be included.
Signature | Description |
random(min, max) | Returns a random number between the specified minimum and maximum value (inclusive). Both values should be integers. Random numbers can also be generated using D&D dice notation, e.g. 2d6 will roll two six-sided dice and add the resulting numbers together. |
str(value) | Converts the given value to a string. |
num(value) | Converts the given value to a number. |
len(value) | Returns the number of characters in a string, the number of elements in an array, or the number of keys in a codex. |
substr(string, start_position, *length) | Returns a substring of a string. The “length” parameter can be omitted to include all characters from the start position until the end of the string. |
range(min, *max, *step) | Returns an array of integers based on the supplied parameters. See “Range” section of Script Syntax for examples. |
inverse(value) | Returns the inverse of the specified value. Supported data types are number, boolean, array, coordinate, color, cardinal direction, and navigation type. See “Inverse” section of Script Syntax for examples. |
duplicate(value) | Duplicates an array or codex to create a unique copy of the data. |
clamp(value, min, max) | Returns a numeric value clamped to the specified range. The result will be no less than the minimum value and no more than the maximum value. |
round(x) | Rounds x to the nearest whole number. |
mod(x, y) | Gives the remainder of x divided by y. |
pow(x, y) | Gives the result of x raised to the power of y. |
sqrt(x) | Gives the square root of x. |
abs(x) | Gives the absolute value of x. |
floor(x) | Rounds x downwards to the nearest whole number. |
ceil(x) | Rounds x upwards to the nearest whole number. |
pad_zeros(value, digits) | Pads a numeric value with leading zeros so it will have the specified number of digits (e.g. pad_zeros(17, 4) will give a string value of “0017”). |
distance(from_entity, to_entity) | Gives the distance between two entities (measured in voxels). |
Event functions are used to trigger certain actions or events in your game, such as loading a map, playing an animation, or healing a character. These functions allow you to control the flow of your game and help give life to its world! Click on a function name for more details around its usage.
Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are optional. If an optional parameter is passed to a function, any preceding optional parameters must also be included.
Name | Signature |
Add Character | add_character(model_name, tile, *entity_id) |
Add Effect | add_effect(effect_name, coordinate, *entity_id) |
Add Item To Container | add_item_to_container(entity, item_id, *count) |
Add Item To Tile | add_item_to_tile(tile, item_id, *count) |
Add Object | add_object(model_name, tile, *entity_id) |
Add Party Member | add_party_member(model_name, member_id) |
Add Tile | add_tile(model_name, coordinate, *entity_id) |
Add To Group | add_to_group(entity, group_name) |
Add Waypoint | add_waypoint(tile, waypoint_name, waypoint_coordinate) |
Add Zone | add_zone(zone_name, passable, position, size_x, size_y, size_z) |
Apply Camera Preset | apply_camera_preset(preset_name) |
Apply Lighting Preset | apply_lighting_preset(preset_name, *duration) |
Apply Status Effect | apply_status_effect(status_effect_id, character, *duration) |
Assign Entity ID | assign_entity_id(entity, entity_id) |
Attach Effect | attach_effect(effect_name, target_entity, attach_id) |
Attach Object | attach_object(model_name, target_entity, attach_id, *target_attach_id) |
Change Camera | change_camera(camera_type) |
Change Player | change_player(character) |
Clear Log | clear_log() |
Clear Status Effects | clear_status_effects(character) |
Complete Quest | complete_quest(quest_id) |
Create Platform | create_platform(tile, speed) |
Damage Entity | damage_entity(entity, damage_amount) |
Decrease Stat | decrease_stat(stat_id, amount, *character) |
Delete Data | delete_data(filename) |
Delete Save | delete_save(*filename) |
Detach Effect | detach_effect(entity, attach_id) |
Detach Object | detach_object(entity, attach_id) |
Disable Action | disable_action(action_id) |
Disable Container | disable_container(entity_id) |
Disable Conveyor | disable_conveyor(conveyor_group) |
Disable Effect | disable_effect(entity) |
Disable Screen Effect | disable_screen_effect(*duration, *screen_effect_id) |
Disable Turret | disable_turret(entity) |
Disable Zone | disable_zone(zone_name) |
Display Choices | display_choices(message_text, choices, *speaker) |
Display Image | display_image(image_name, *duration, *bg_color, *stretch_mode) |
Display Message | display_message(message_text, *speaker) |
Enable Action | enable_action(action_id) |
Enable Container | enable_container(entity_id) |
Enable Conveyor | enable_conveyor(conveyor_group) |
Enable Effect | enable_effect(entity) |
Enable Screen Effect | enable_screen_effect(*duration, *screen_effect_id) |
Enable Turret | enable_turret(entity) |
Enable Zone | enable_zone(zone_name) |
End Battle | end_battle(victory) |
Equip Item | equip_item(character, slot_id, item_id, *count) |
Execute Script | execute_script(script_name, *pause) |
Fade In | fade_in(duration) |
Fade Out | fade_out(duration) |
Fail Quest | fail_quest(quest_id) |
Fire Projectile | fire_projectile(item_id, source, *target, *entity_id) |
Get Noise 2D | get_noise_2d(x, y) |
Get Noise 3D | get_noise_3d(x, y, z) |
Give Currency | give_currency(amount, *stat_id, *character) |
Give Item | give_item(item_id, *count, *character) |
Give Loot | give_loot(loot_name, *count, *character) |
Give Quest | give_quest(quest_id) |
Give Skill | give_skill(skill_id, *character) |
Heal Entity | heal_entity(entity, heal_amount) |
Hide Group | hide_group(group_name) |
Hide Inventory | hide_inventory() |
Hide Toolbar | hide_toolbar() |
Hide Widget | hide_widget(widget_id, *fade_out_length) |
Increase Stat | increase_stat(stat_id, amount, *character) |
Load Data | load_data(filename, *password) |
Load Game | load_game(*filename) |
Load Map | load_map(map_name, player_coord, *player_direction) |
Lock Camera | lock_camera() |
Lock/Unlock Player Interaction | set_player_interaction_locked(is_locked) |
Lock/Unlock Player Movement | set_player_movement_locked(is_locked) |
Log Message | log_message(message) |
Look At Target | look_at_target(target) |
Look At Target Over Time | look_at_target_over_time(target, duration) |
Modify Navigation | modify_navigation(first_tile_id, second_tile_id, navigation_type) |
Move Camera | move_camera(destination, *look_at_target) |
Move Camera At Speed | move_camera_at_speed(destination, speed, *look_at_target) |
Move Camera Over Time | move_camera_over_time(destination, duration, *look_at_target) |
Move Character | move_character(character, tile, *pause) |
Move Platform | move_platform(tile, waypoint_name, *pause) |
Move Player | move_player(tile) |
Open Container | open_container(entity) |
Override Action | override_action(action_id_to_override, override_with) |
Override Animation | override_animation(entity, anim_to_override, override_with) |
Perform Action | perform_action(action_id, *pressed) |
Play Animation | play_animation(entity, animation_name) |
Play Group Animation | play_group_animation(group_name, animation_name) |
Play Music | play_music(music_name, *fade_in_length, *loop) |
Play Sound | play_sound(sound_name, *loop, *interval) |
Play Video | play_video(video_name) |
print(data) | |
Put Entity | put_entity(entity, target_tile) |
Put Player | put_player(target_tile, *direction) |
Remove Currency | remove_currency(amount, *stat_id, *character) |
Remove Entity | remove_entity(entity) |
Remove From Group | remove_from_group(entity, group_name) |
Remove Item | remove_item(item_id, *count, *character) |
Remove Item From Container | remove_item_from_container(entity, item_id, *count) |
Remove Party Member | remove_party_member(member_id) |
Remove Skill | remove_skill(skill_id, *character) |
Remove Status Effect | remove_status_effect(status_effect_id, character) |
Remove Zone | remove_zone(zone_name) |
Replace Navigation | replace_navigation(entity, navigation_type, new_navigation_type) |
Request Coordinate | request_coordinate(start_z, min_z, max_z, step_z, *validation_func) |
Request Entity | request_entity(*validation_func) |
Reset Action | reset_action(action_id) |
Reset Camera | reset_camera() |
Reset Camera At Speed | reset_camera_at_speed(speed) |
Reset Camera Over Time | reset_camera_over_time(duration) |
Reset Entity Rotation | reset_entity_rotation(entity, *duration) |
Reset Map | reset_map(map_name) |
Restart Game | restart_game() |
Restore Party Member | restore_party_member(member_id) |
Revive Character | revive_character(character, heal_amount) |
Rotate Camera | rotate_camera(horizontal_angle, vertical_angle) |
Rotate Camera Over Time | rotate_camera_over_time(horizontal_angle, vertical_angle, duration) |
Rotate Entity Towards | rotate_entity_towards(entity, target_entity, also_rotate_target, *duration) |
Rotate Player To Direction | rotate_player_to_direction(direction) |
Save Data | save_data(data, filename, *password) |
Save Game | save_game(*filename) |
Set Ambient Light Color | set_ambient_light_color(color, *duration) |
Set Ambient Light Enabled | set_ambient_light_enabled(enabled) |
Set Ambient Light Intensity | set_ambient_light_intensity(intensity, *duration) |
Set Animation Speed | set_animation_speed(entity, animation_name, speed) |
Set Character Name | set_character_name(entity_id, name) |
Set Conveyor Reversed | set_conveyor_reversed(conveyor_group, is_reversed, *reverse_anim_dir) |
Set Conveyor Speed | set_conveyor_speed(conveyor_group, speed, *change_anim_speed) |
Set Day | set_day(day) |
Set Dialogue | set_dialogue(entity_id, dialogue_name) |
Set Directional Light Color | set_directional_light_color(color, *duration) |
Set Directional Light Enabled | set_directional_light_enabled(enabled) |
Set Directional Light Intensity | set_directional_light_intensity(intensity, *duration) |
Set Entity Blocks Sight | set_entity_blocks_sight(entity, blocks_sight) |
Set Entity Direction | set_entity_direction(entity, direction) |
Set Entity Light Attenuation | set_entity_light_attenuation(entity, attenuation, *duration) |
Set Entity Light Color | set_entity_light_color(entity, color, *duration) |
Set Entity Light Diameter | set_entity_light_diameter(entity, diameter, *duration) |
Set Entity Light Enabled | set_entity_light_enabled(entity, enabled) |
Set Entity Light Intensity | set_entity_light_intensity(entity, intensity, *duration) |
Set Entity Model | set_entity_model(entity, model_name) |
Set Entity Offset | set_entity_offset(entity, x, y, z, *duration) |
Set Entity Property | set_entity_property(entity, property_name, property_value) |
Set Entity Rotation | set_entity_rotation(entity, x, y, z, *duration) |
Set Entity Scale | set_entity_scale(entity, x_scale, y_scale, z_scale, *duration) |
Set Entity Script | set_entity_script(entity, script_name, *script_trigger, *triggerable_by_npc) |
Set Entity Texture | set_entity_texture(entity, texture_name) |
Set Entity Tooltip | set_entity_tooltip(entity, tooltip_text) |
Set Gameplay Property | set_gameplay_property(property_name, property_value) |
Set Global Property | set_global_property(property_name, property_value) |
Set Group Light Color | set_group_light_color(group_name, color, *duration) |
Set Group Light Enabled | set_group_light_enabled(group_name, enabled) |
Set Language | set_language(locale_code) |
Set Movement Speed | set_movement_speed(character, speed) |
Set Screen Effect Property | set_screen_effect_property(property_name, property_value, *duration, *screen_effect_id) |
Set Stat | set_stat(stat_id, value, *character) |
Set Terrain Types | set_terrain_types(entity, terrain_mode, *terrain_types) |
Set Time | set_time(time) |
Set Vision Height | set_vision_height(character, height) |
Set Zone Script | set_zone_script(zone_name, script_name, script_trigger) |
Shake Screen | shake_screen(duration) |
Show Credits | show_credits() |
Show Equipment | show_equipment(*character) |
Show Group | show_group(group_name) |
Show Inventory | show_inventory(*character) |
Show Toolbar | show_toolbar() |
Show Widget | show_widget(widget_id, *fade_in_length) |
Start Battle | start_battle(battle_name) |
Start Dialogue | start_dialogue(dialogue_name) |
Stop Animation | stop_animation(entity) |
Stop Music | stop_music(*fade_out_length) |
Stop Player | stop_player() |
Stop Sound | stop_sound(sound_id, *fade_out_length) |
Unequip Item | unequip_item(character, slot_id, *count) |
Use Item | use_item(item_id, *character) |
Use Skill | use_skill(skill_id, *character) |
Wait | wait(duration) |