Development updates and release notes for RPG in a Box

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where a crash could occur in-game when hovering over an image element on a widget (e.g. the currency icon on the default inventory widget)
  • Fixed issue where the camera view model would be rotated in the opposite direction when changing it from a script (via camera.view_m...

New Features/Changes:

  • Free Movement: Added initial implementation of projectiles for ranged weapons in free movement (improvements to come in subsequent releases)
  • Free Movement: Added initial crouching mechanic implementation with settings on the Game Configuration's physics tab to enable/disa...

Free Movement Updates:

  • Added initial implementation of free melee attacking for the player character (left mouse button to attack at any time)
  • Added ability to create custom collision shapes in the Voxel Editor for tiles and objects (using cubes and prisms, more to come)
  • Added "Collision Ove...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added ability to modify the "hostility" setting of an NPC via script (e.g. self.behavior["hostility"] = "always", see docs for all values)
  • Added ability to set an NPC's behavior to null to clear out their behavior via script (as an alternative to assigning an empty string...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added base implementation (v0.1) of the new free movement system, enabled per map from Map Properties (most gameplay will not work yet, use at your own risk!)
  • Added "Character Collides" trigger event for object scripts to the Entity Properties tab in the Map Editor (for b...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added ability to offset objects within their tile by adjusting XYZ values from the Entity Properties panel in the Map Editor
  • Added ability to add multiple objects per tile in the Map Editor (Z offset will be automatically set when hovering over an existing object, e.g. a...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added initial background map implementation for menu-driven turn-based battles (assigned in Combat Editor, party members spawn starting at center of map going eastward)
  • Added "Object enters tile", "Object stops on tile", and "Object exits tile" trigger events for tiles fo...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added a timed confirmation dialog that's displayed after changing the "UI Scale" editor setting which requires the change to be confirmed
  • Updated "Display Image" scripting function to show the default cursor for timed images and the interact cursor for images that require...

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with extra forward slash being added to the game path when creating a new project causing resource names in dropdowns to be cut off

New Features/Changes:

  • Added "Positional Sound" setting to the Voxel Editor for specifying that an animation's sound effect should be played positionally in 3D space
  • Added "Apply Status Effect" scripting function for applying a status effect to a character for a duration of time (e.g. apply_sta...