Presenting the Community Game Showcase for August 2021! Thanks so much to those who contributed and to everyone creating a game with RPG in a Box! Your support and encouragement really means a lot. You can view the full-size image here:
This will be an ongoing ga...
Read more...Hello everyone! I just wanted to quickly cover a few of the many things I’ve been working on over the past month as I continue to build out the new game engine and polish the editors for v0.5.
NPC behavior was implemented in-game to handle the existing settings migrated over from v0.4. This is to...
Read more...Hi again, everyone! This update is a bit later than I anticipated, but I’ve made great progress in the second half of June. Continue reading below for some highlights of what I’ve been working on!
I’m excited to say that I’ve been working on a brand new and improved Dialogue Edit...
Read more...Hello everyone! I decided to go ahead and post an update mid-June since I’ve collected enough interesting GIFs and screenshots so far. 🙂 I’m still pushing forward on migrating everything over to Godot 3.0 (with the occasional new feature) for the v0.5 release planned for sometime later this year.
Hi again, everyone! Over the past month I’ve continued focusing on the migration of functionality over for the big v0.5 release. I probably have at least a few more months of effort remaining to get everything ported and ready, but I feel like I’ve finally started to see the light at the end of the...
Read more...Over the past month I’ve been slowly but surely making progress on v0.5 and the migration to Godot 3.0. I said this in my last update, but I can’t say enough how much I appreciate everyone’s patience as I work through this stage of development, especially considering the constraint it puts on adding...
Read more...Hello again! It’s hard to believe it’s already been a month since my last development update. I truly appreciate everyone’s patience as I work my way through a lot of repetitive work to get the existing functionality ported over to Godot 3.0. I’m quite eager myself to move onto major new features, a...
Read more...Hello again, everyone! I’ve been making great progress on the upgrade to Godot 3.0 and seem to be gaining more momentum as I get some of the general groundwork out of the way. Continue reading below for some details on my progress and a couple of other updates!
Read more...Hello again! I hope everyone is having a great week. This bi-weekly development update contains a bit of information about the upgrade to Godot 3.0 and a few other new features that were recently added. Continue below for details and screenshots!
The upgrade to G...
Read more...Hello again everyone, it’s time for another bi-weekly development update! In this update, I have some progress to share on both the upgrade to Godot 3.0 (primarily around the new Voxel Editor) and some small, new features that were added to the current version.
To st...