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Fix has been released for this bug report.
Saving after loading a map freezes player and spams terminal window
NASTY BUG: Load_game breaking AI and player in Grid Mode
Condition ' !E ' is true
Map Boundaries remain active after disabling them
"always hostile" setting does not seem to work with the new spawn options
Billboard voxel Models cant be hit by ranged attacks
Spawned enemies can't be hit by projectile
Function rotate_player_to_direction does not work in first person view
[contains] condition not working with a range() array
NPC's cannot unequip items
Browse on Sprite -Based models not functional
"On Damage" animation prevents further attacking on monsters
UI Bug when opening a chest
Shop Item Slot Item descriptions displaying one description for all Items
get_item_count() not working inside a script file
can no longer query a entry in the characters array
Loading game during camera script bug
Billboard player causes error/frozen loading
Unequip script bug
Player Facing Wrong Direction on Startup
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