The form is below but first, some important extra context for this.
I have reported these two bugs as seperate reports before (both linked below) but I have recently just realised they are the same error and caused by the same event....
saving and loading a game after transitioning to a new map.
This is also the cause of arron's main struggle with his game.
Hopefully you can get to the bottom of this and work out what's going on (I have some extra info and a bandaid solution thats helping for now which might in itself give you a clue as to the cause/fix).
The two seperate prior reports for context:
Updated Report:
Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:
Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
As mentioned before in the other reports, it's all to do with loading a saved game thats created the moment you change map.
If you save without moving off the tile you load_map onto, you'll get stuck like report A.
If you move off the landing tile first, then save and load, while you can move around, when you then transition back to the starting map again, all NPC's that were set to roaming behavior will be playing their walk animations on loop and stuck in place. (Report B)
Both issues, (player stuck, or NPC's stuck), willl produce the exact same flood of errors in the console.
I assume the NPC's would also still be stuck in place in report A too but due to being stuck, I was unable to verify.
I suppose load_map() would work to show that, but safe assumption to make they would be stuck too.
Some new updated bits of info which might be helpful:
With the roaming AI issues, some oddities, but hopefully clues as to why this might be happening.
- when you encounter the stuck AI, if you transition back to the map you saved/loaded on, and then back a third time to the starting map, now the AI will work again and the error stops.
- this only affects maps you have visited prior to saving.
For example, let's say your project has three maps: village, inn and forest.
If you start in village and load inn and save/load...going back to village will have this issue with AI, but going out to forest instead will have working AI.
Armed with this knowledge I came up with a temporary solution:
TEMPORARY SOLUTION (not ideal though for games that need map changes to remain):
if you use reset_map() to reset the starting map once youre in map 2 (before saving), then when you load back to it after loading, that map will now work.
Hopefully knowing that can give you some insight into what might be causing it.
Its only happening to maps the player has atually visited prior to saving/loading, and as long as you reset a troublesome map before you save while in the other map, it will work fine when you load game.
Example (for clarity):
Start in village > load inn > reset village map before saving > load game > go back to village > no issues
skip the reset map part...issues.
Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
Yes, a infinite flood of the following message:

Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:
- Have at least two maps
- Starting map should have roaming AI (behavior set to moving around)
- play the game and transition from starting map to a different one.
[to encounter first bug report issue]
- don't move off your arrival spot...immediately save, and then quit to title
- continue game
- try to walk and you'll be stuck in place with flood of terminal window errors.
- load_map() back to map 1 may also show the roaming AI issues....
[to encounter the second bug report issue]
- move off the arrival tile, save and quit to title
- continue game
- transition back to starting map
- witness stuck in place roaming AI and flood of error in terminal window
Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):
I will get round to putting a barebones project together if needs be, but I wanted to get this out promptly as I feel it's quite a big bug with grid move right now.
It's going to affect anyone who's using roaming AI, multiple maps and saving, most people.
Be nice to get this one fixed!
Remember though, each of the previous reports linked in here do have their own barebones projects so you can look at those as well.
Hope the extra info and workaround helps work this nasty one out! 🙂