
  • Nov 12, 2024
  • Joined Oct 31, 2023
  • I'm working on a fantasy-cyberpunk game called "Shadows and Steel"

  • Also, unrelated, but if you don't mind sharing, I am very curious as to what the story for this game is. I completely understand if you'd rather not disclose.

    • That looks pretty nice. I don't know how to use Blockbench yet, but I am looking forward to when animations are supported for it. I'll probably make a point to start learning it when that happens.

    • The waiting room chairs are also from Padadu's furniture pack

    • Made a little bit of progress on the morgue

    • I also just changed the music to something that fits the mood better

    • Unfortunately, the more times I've experienced that intro the less I like the dialogue, so I might need to do a rewrite.

    • And finally, this is the finished half of the game's intro. It is worth noting that the police car now looks a lot better than it did in this video.

    • Also, music is by Cyber Guy Audio on Youtube.

    • This is an old video, but it is the only thing I have that showcases several of the features I've made (as well as some bugs, unfortunately)

    • A weapon I created as a joke (it will still be functional eventually).

    • The thing on the left doesn't do anything, although it was originally going to. The thing in the middle is the fabricator, which can be used to create new items from materials acquired during missions. The thing on the right is a workbench for making upgrades to existing equipment.

    • A better look at the workshop area of the hub

    • The upstairs area of the hub, which is essentially Jake's house. Some of the furniture models are from Padadu's furniture asset pack.

    • This is Jake next to Julie, whose stuffed animal might look familiar

    • This is each of the major characters I have made models for so far. From left to right is the main villain of the game, a boss that will be fought about midway through the game, the player character, Ava, Jake and Ava's daughter Julie, an android named Tyrko (who will be a party member to assist the player in combat), and Ryka (another android who will be part of a system I plan on eventually implementing where you can assign tasks for her to accomplish while you are on missions.)

    • This project is still in its early stages, and it's fairly ambitious so it probably will not be done for a long time.

      Basically, the plot is that the main character, Jake Trysten, used to be a detective. He left that job after something happened which I'm not going to spoil, and he now runs a small tech shop. The game begins with his wife Ava going missing and later turning up dead. However, a series of odd things happen that cause him to suspect that she might still be alive, so he sets out to investigate. The game is set in a universe that combined fantasy with cyberpunk, and the plot revolves around a weird and obscure piece of folklore that I discovered on Wikipedia.

      I'm using grid-based movement and tactical turn-based combat. The game will be structured as a series of missions, where after completing each one the player will return to a hub area where you can craft items and make upgrades.

      All I have done so far is make the hub area, about half of the intro sequence that will start the game off, two skills (only one of which works properly) and a few miscellaneous things. I have begun working on an area that will both be part of the intro sequence and will be the site of the first mission, but I have not made much progress on it yet.

    • So this is actually an issue I was having a while ago that I just recently remembered and thought I should ask about. I almost marked this as a bug report but wasn't completely sure what was going on and I didn't want to have to go through the whole bug report form thing until other people verified it.
      Basically, the issue is that when referencing the player's location during a tactical turn-based battle, that info only appears to update once the player's turn is over. So if you move and then the script triggers, it will still seem to think that the player character is at the location it started that turn at. Does anyone else have this issue?

    • Option on turn-based skills to wait until the attached script executes before moving on to the next turn so that an enemy's turn does not begin while a player's skill is still taking its effect. This is causing me problems because I am trying to use a skill that begins with "request entity," and if used after movement it will mess everything up as it is still trying to let the player choose while the enemy is acting.