
  • 8 days ago
  • Joined Oct 16, 2023
  • You are a lovely and wonderful person!

  • New Features/Changes

    • Added initial Steam Workshop functionality for uploading tiles, objects, and characters to the workshop (see docs for step-by-step guide)
    • Added ability to download tiles, objects, and characters from the Steam Workshop directly into your project (see docs for step-by-step guide)
    • Added Steam achievements for uploading your first tile, object, and character to the Steam Workshop and for uploading five of each type
    • Added Steam achievements for downloading your first tile, object, and character from the Steam Workshop and for downloading five of each type
    • Added "Achievements" dialog for displaying your Steam achievements, accessible via the trophy icon on the upper right (locked ones will be greyed out)
    • Added "Inn" functionality for hanging out with your Steam friends within RPG in a Box (initial support includes sending chat messages to each other)
    • Added retro screen effect to the Map Properties tab of the Map Editor, with settings for resolution scale, color depth, and dithering
    • Added initial support for importing OBJ files when using mesh-based models (via the popup or "Import from External Format" toolbar button)
    • Added "Mesh-Based" option to the "New Resource" dialog when creating tiles, allowing for Blockbench files and OBJ files to be imported into tile models
    • Added applicable properties to the Model Properties tab for mesh-based models in the Model Maker (e.g. tags, character stats, custom collision, etc.)
    • Added support for importing GIFs into your game project (drop file onto the RPG in a Box window or use the "Import Asset" toolbar menu)
    • Added support for using GIFs for image elements in widgets (simply import a GIF as noted above then select it from the element's "Image" dropdown)
    • Added support for using GIFs with the "Display Image" Bauxite scripting function (after importing a GIF it will be selectable in the visual node)
    • Added "Bosca Ceoil Blue" to the new "Sounds & Music" menu which opens a dialog with information about the music tool and how to import music files into your project
    • Added support for importing WAV files as music (drop file onto the RPG in a Box window or use the "Import Asset" toolbar menu then select "Music" for type)
    • Added "Fog of War" setting to the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor for overriding the global "Fog of War" gameplay setting on a per map basis
    • Added optional second parameter to the "Enable Screen Effect" and "Disable Screen Effect" Bauxite functions for specifying which effect (see docs for details)
    • Added support to the "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite function for the new retro screen effect (see docs for list of properties and possible values)
    • Added several optional parameters to the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function for customizing various aspects of the screen shake (see docs for details)
    • Added button to the "Shake Screen" visual node in the Script Editor for testing the current values for two seconds and a button for restoring the default values
    • Added support for using the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function while other screen effects are active (previously, using it would disable the VHS/CRT monitor effect)
    • Added second parameter to the "Enable Action" and "Disable Action" Bauxite functions for specifying the script name when used with the "Run Script" action
    • Added ability to change/retrieve the title of a widget via script using the new ".title" property (e.g. widget["my_widget"].title = "New Widget Title")
    • Added support for placeholder expressions in the text of widget buttons (see placeholder expression docs, e.g. ${["button_text"]})
    • Added credit to the About dialog for the GodotSteam module used for the workshop, achievements, and rich presence (created by Gramps, see
    • Renamed Voxel Editor to "Model Maker" to bring the name more in line with its capabilities now that it has expanded beyond voxel-based models only
    • Reworded some buttons on the Game Manager dialog (e.g. "Create a New Game" is now "Start a New Adventure") and the titlebar of the "Create a New Game" dialog
    • Changed "Export Game" button on the main toolbar to an "Export" menu that includes the "Export Game" option (preparing for future functionality)
    • Changed "Sound FX Generator" button on the main toolbar to a "Sounds & Music" menu that includes the "Sound FX Generator" option and a "Built-In Music" option
    • Combined "Import" and "Asset Library" toolbar buttons into one button with options for "Asset Library", "Steam Workshop", and "Files from External Folder"
    • Updated location of the "Camera Positions" setting on the Map Properties tab to be higher up and closer to the other camera-related settings
    • Updated "Exit to Game Manager" and "Exit RPG in a Box" buttons on the main toolbar to now be combined into a single "Exit" dropdown menu
    • Updated Model Maker to keep voxels selected after copying and pasting them so it's easier to take further action on those voxels once pasted
    • Updated Asset Library to now display all assets at once within a scrollable list and improved the initial opening speed of the dialog
    • Updated "New Game" button on the Game Manager dialog, the "New Game" dialog titlebar, and Game Explorer project icon to use the adventure disk icon
    • Updated editor startup splash image for "The Workshop", including a selection of models from the Steam Workshop (see About dialog for creator credits)
    • Updated "Connect with RPG in a Box" section of the About dialog to include an Epic Games button that links to RPG in a Box's Epic Games store page
    • Updated Patreon credits in the About dialog to reflect the currently active patrons (Dungeon Master, Hero, NPC, and Slime tiers)
    • Updated "Enable/Disable Screen Effect" and "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite functions to include an parameter to specify which screen effect (see docs for details)
    • Removed "Apply Camera Preset" function from the list of Bauxite functions in the Script Editor as it was mistakenly added before being fully implemented
    • Removed Twitter button from the "Connect with RPG in a Box" section of the About dialog since the Twitter account is no longer being used

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where the "Preview in Map Editor" button on the Map Properties tab was incorrectly enabled when opening a map with the VHS/CRT monitor effect enabled
    • Fixed issue where pressing the ESC key (or input bound to "back") while an image was being shown via the "Display Image" function could cause the game to become stuck
    • Fixed issue where subfolders without any models in them were not being displayed on the right-hand side asset tabs (i.e. tiles, objects, and characters)
    • Fixed issue where the "Up" folder button wasn't being created if there were subfolders in the right-hand side asset tabs until the project was closed and reopened
    • Fixed issue where auto-attached effects in subfolders weren't being selected in the "Configure Attached Objects/Effects" dialog dropdown when leaving then returning
    • Fixed issue where changing frames or playing animations in the Model Maker's mesh view for multi-directional sprite-based models was not showing the correct sprite angle
    • Fixed issue where modifying the "Default Initial Frame" setting for tiles and characters in the Model Maker would not trigger that a change was made or would be saved
    • Fixed issue where the "Center Current View" button was not showing after selecting a saved camera position in the Model Maker then moving the camera
    • Fixed issue where models within subfolders were not being properly added to the recent items list when saved in the Model Maker
    • Fixed issue where pressing the Enter key while in the "Game Title" field of the "New Game" dialog would cause the application to crash
    • Fixed issue where having a project folder that ended in the file extension expected in that folder (e.g. ".scn" for models) could cause various problems
    • Fixed issue with French translations for "Then" and "Else" used in the Script Editor and Dialogue Editor (now translated as "Alors" and "Sinon")


    • Updated built-in docs for the "Fire Projectile" Bauxite function to include a description of the function and each parameter, as well as a usage example
    • Updated built-in docs for the "Enable Screen Effect" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and info about the new screen effect ID parameter
    • Updated built-in docs for the "Disable Screen Effect" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and info about the new screen effect ID parameter
    • Updated built-in docs for the "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and list of properties for the retro effect
    • Updated built-in docs for the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function to include info about the new strength, factor, and magnitude parameters
    • Updated built-in docs for the "Enable/Disable Action" Bauxite functions to include descriptions, examples, and info about the new parameter for the "Run Script" action
  • Submissions are now open for the Q1 2025 community game showcase, my dear friends! At the end of March, I will select screenshots from the submissions and combine them into a video to show what the community is creating with RPG in a Box! Read below for information on how to have your game(s) considered.


    • Reply to this thread and attach the image(s) to your post using the "Upload" button on the bottom toolbar.
    • Images must have a 16:9 aspect ratio and should preferably be 1920x1080 in size, with a minimum of 1280x720. The easiest way to take a screenshot is to press F12 while in your game. The screenshot will be saved in your system's "Pictures" folder under a subfolder for the game, e.g. "C:\Users\Justin\Pictures\My Game".
    • For each project, include the title of the game and the name you'd like to be credited as.
    • Games can be at any stage (anything from ones released in the past to ones being actively worked on).
    • You can submit multiple images per game or for more than one game. The images should ideally be ones that have not been included in previous showcases. Also, please note that there's no guarantee every image submitted will make it into the showcase, but there's always the next one!
    • Submissions are due by March 27th at 23:59 EST, at which point the thread will be locked. I plan to share the showcase video on the following Saturday, so this will provide a full day to put everything together.

    In case you missed it, you can view last month's showcase video here:

    Your submissions are much appreciated. Let's show the world the wonderful games you're making! πŸ’–

  • I'm so grateful to present the community showcase for December, featuring so many wonderful and unique games being made by the community! Thank you dearly to everyone who submitted their games this month! πŸ’–

    Would you like to have your game included in a showcase, but missed this one? Watch the forum for a post about submissions for Q1 2025! And if you haven't seen it yet, go have a look at the November community showcase!

  • Hello, my dear friends! Regarding the December 2024 community showcase: the deadline has been moved up by 4 hours to allow more time to compile the video before the New Year. Friendly reminder that images must be at least 1280x720 in size, ideally 1920x1080, to ensure the best result for the video. Thank you so much for your understanding! And thank you for submitting your games, as it encourages and inspires others to make games of their own! πŸ’–

    Submit your images for the community showcase here:

  • There are still a few days left to submit screenshots for the December community showcase!

    A "Look Back at 2024" compilation video will be made using everyone's submissions throughout the year, so this is your last chance to be included in the compilation! Also, please note that going forward the community showcases will be switching to a quarterly schedule, so the next one will be published at the end of March.

    It's super easy to submit your game - just press F12 in-game and a screenshot will be saved into your system's pictures folder. Reminder that the images should be at least 1280x720 in size as this will provide the best result for the video. Thank you dearly, I look forward to showing everyone the games you're making! :rpgiab_heart::rpgiab_stumpy:

    You can find details about the showcase and post your screenshots here:

  • A special Christmas announcement: Steam Workshop is coming soon to RPG in a Box! A new realm of possibilities will be opening up, so let's help each other make games! Arriving with RPG in a Box v1.3 in January 2025.

    Happy Holidays from Stumpy and Gloonk! 🐿️ 🐸

  • Submissions are now open for the December community game showcase, my dear friends! At the end of the month, I will select screenshots from the submissions and combine them into a video to show what the community is creating with RPG in a Box! Read below for information on how to have your game(s) considered.


    • Reply to this thread and attach the image(s) to your post using the "Upload" button on the bottom toolbar.
    • Images must have a 16:9 aspect ratio and should preferably be 1920x1080 in size, with a minimum of 1280x720. The easiest way to take a screenshot is to press F12 while in your game. The screenshot will be saved in your system's "Pictures" folder under a subfolder for the game, e.g. "C:\Users\Justin\Pictures\My Game".
    • For each project, include the title of the game and the name you'd like to be credited as.
    • Games can be at any stage (anything from ones released in the past to ones being actively worked on).
    • You can submit multiple images per game or for more than one game. The images should ideally be ones that have not been included in previous showcases. Also, please note that there's no guarantee every image submitted will make it into the showcase, but there's always next month!
    • Submissions are due by December 31st at 23:59 EST 20:00 EST, at which point the thread will be locked. I plan to share the showcase video on the following Saturday, so this will provide a few days to put everything together.

    In case you missed it, you can view last month's showcase video here:

    Your submissions are much appreciated. Let's show the world the wonderful games you're making! πŸ’–

  • LuckyBoyAK Thank you for the report! This should now be fixed as of the v1.2.3 update.

    Fixed issue where nested attachments with attach point positions other than (0, 0, 0) would not display at the proper location when viewing the parent model in the Voxel Editor

  • Slayer Thank you so much for the report and for providing an example project, Slayer! This issue should now be fixed as of the v1.2.3 update.

    Fixed issue where "on hit" scripts for ranged weapons weren't being triggered in grid-based movement when attacking via mouse cursor action (would only trigger when free attacking)

  • R-Works Thank you so much for the report and for providing an example project! This issue should now be fixed as of the v1.2.3 update.

    Fixed issue where quick slots were not able to used after saving then loading a game if the quick slot had an item assigned to it when the game was saved

  • Slayer Thank you so much for the report, Slayer! This issue should now be fixed as of the v1.2.3 update.

    Fixed issue where some debugging values were inadvertently being displayed in the in-game message log when using a compound operator (e.g. +=) to modify a variable in a script

  • realmsandruins Thank you so much for the report and for providing an example project! This issue should now be fixed as of the v1.2.3 update.

    Fixed issue where projectiles were not properly firing from real-time enemies that were equipped with ranged weapons in free movement mode (only their attack animation would play)

  • New Features

    • Added "[" and "]" shortcut keys to the Map Editor for cycling through the textures of the pending model while in "Place" mode or the selected entity while in "Edit" mode
    • Added "T" shortcut key to the Voxel Editor for adding a new texture to the current frame (displays the "Add Texture" dialog, allowing a texture to be quickly named and created)
    • Added "Pending Placement Effect" editor setting for the Map Editor to disable the green glowing effect that's displayed on the pending model while in "Place" mode
    • Added "Pending Placement Bounds" editor setting for the Map Editor to disable the dimension boundaries that are displayed on the pending model while in "Place" mode
    • Added popup dialog that displays in the editor when a project's "items.json" has been edited externally and has invalid JSON syntax (includes error details to assist in correction)
    • Improved default collision for sprite-based models and voxel-based models using the "Sprite" mesh type to better fit their actual shape when the billboard option is disabled

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where projectiles were not properly firing from real-time enemies that were equipped with ranged weapons in free movement mode (only their attack animation would play)
    • Fixed issue where "on hit" scripts for ranged weapons weren't being triggered in grid-based movement when attacking via mouse cursor action (would only trigger when free attacking)
    • Fixed issue where "on hit" scripts for weapons could be lost when saving in the Item Editor while an item with the "Projectile" setting enabled was currently selected
    • Fixed issue where nested attachments with attach point positions other than (0, 0, 0) would not display at the proper location when viewing the parent model in the Voxel Editor
    • Fixed issue where changes to the default attached objects or effects for a model in the Voxel Editor were not being carried over to entities that already existed in a map
    • Fixed issue where item pickup thingies would not work in free movement when using the "Character Collides" trigger event with a voxel-based model using the "Sprite" mesh type
    • Fixed issue where item pickup thingies would lose their scale, offset, and rotation as configured in the Map Editor after having been picked up and respawned in-game
    • Fixed issue where item icon popups (shown when the player receives an item from an entity) weren't originating from the proper height for non-default scale sprite-based models
    • Fixed issue where item icon popups weren't showing when the player picked up an item that had been dropped from their inventory or added via the "Add Item To Tile" function
    • Fixed issue where quick slots were not able to used after saving then loading a game if the quick slot had an item assigned to it when the game was saved
    • Fixed issue where tool items without an image assigned would display as blank when set as the active tool instead of falling back to the placeholder question mark image
    • Fixed issue where custom collision wasn't positioned correctly in-game for passable, non-default scale entities when configured for voxel-based models using the "Sprite" mesh type
    • Fixed issue where the player character's jump animation wasn't triggering for jumps beyond the first one if the jump count was set to higher than one in the game configuration
    • Fixed issue where an "invalid sound effect" error would display in the debug console when attempting to jump with the Stumpy character from the built-in Asset Library
    • Fixed issue where marker icons displayed above entities in the Map Editor would sometimes display at the incorrect height when the entity's model was sprite-based
    • Fixed issue where the glowing selection effect was not displaying properly in the Map Editor when selecting an entity in which the base model only consisted of attachments
    • Fixed issue where an entity's texture would revert to the default one in the Map Editor after changing its initial texture from the Entity Properties tab then deselecting it
    • Fixed issue where sprite-based models and voxel-based models using the "Sprite" mesh type would incorrectly render behind others of the same type when selected in the Map Editor
    • Fixed issue where the scale setting on the Entity Properties tab in the Map Editor wasn't showing the correct values when selecting a voxel-based entity with the "Sprite" mesh type
    • Fixed issue where disabling type icons in the Widget Editor via the "Display Element Type Icons" button on the toolbar would not work correctly for skill slots
    • Fixed issue where the controls displayed in the bottom right corner (e.g. "Interact" with corresponding key binding) were not being hidden when opening the management screen
    • Fixed issue where some debugging values were inadvertently being displayed in the in-game message log when using a compound operator (e.g. +=) to modify a variable in a script
    • Fixed issue where "64" would not work properly as an entity ID due to an Acorn 64 gl←tch that occurred while Stumpy was traversing the platformer on his epic adventure
  • I'm so grateful to present the community showcase for November, featuring so many wonderful and unique games being made by the community! Thank you dearly to everyone who submitted their games this month! πŸ’–

    Would you like to have your game included in a showcase, but missed this one? Watch the forum for a post about submissions for December! And if you haven't seen it yet, go have a look at the October community showcase!

  • Nex In order for your bug report to be processed, please update the post to use the required form as noted on the rules page. Thank you!

    • Nex likes this.
  • "How It Started" vs. "How It's Going": A look at the various incarnations and versions of RPG in a Box over the past 20 years! What would you most like to see come to RPG in a Box in the future? πŸ€”