New Features/Changes
- Added initial Steam Workshop functionality for uploading tiles, objects, and characters to the workshop (see docs for step-by-step guide)
- Added ability to download tiles, objects, and characters from the Steam Workshop directly into your project (see docs for step-by-step guide)
- Added Steam achievements for uploading your first tile, object, and character to the Steam Workshop and for uploading five of each type
- Added Steam achievements for downloading your first tile, object, and character from the Steam Workshop and for downloading five of each type
- Added "Achievements" dialog for displaying your Steam achievements, accessible via the trophy icon on the upper right (locked ones will be greyed out)
- Added "Inn" functionality for hanging out with your Steam friends within RPG in a Box (initial support includes sending chat messages to each other)
- Added retro screen effect to the Map Properties tab of the Map Editor, with settings for resolution scale, color depth, and dithering
- Added initial support for importing OBJ files when using mesh-based models (via the popup or "Import from External Format" toolbar button)
- Added "Mesh-Based" option to the "New Resource" dialog when creating tiles, allowing for Blockbench files and OBJ files to be imported into tile models
- Added applicable properties to the Model Properties tab for mesh-based models in the Model Maker (e.g. tags, character stats, custom collision, etc.)
- Added support for importing GIFs into your game project (drop file onto the RPG in a Box window or use the "Import Asset" toolbar menu)
- Added support for using GIFs for image elements in widgets (simply import a GIF as noted above then select it from the element's "Image" dropdown)
- Added support for using GIFs with the "Display Image" Bauxite scripting function (after importing a GIF it will be selectable in the visual node)
- Added "Bosca Ceoil Blue" to the new "Sounds & Music" menu which opens a dialog with information about the music tool and how to import music files into your project
- Added support for importing WAV files as music (drop file onto the RPG in a Box window or use the "Import Asset" toolbar menu then select "Music" for type)
- Added "Fog of War" setting to the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor for overriding the global "Fog of War" gameplay setting on a per map basis
- Added optional second parameter to the "Enable Screen Effect" and "Disable Screen Effect" Bauxite functions for specifying which effect (see docs for details)
- Added support to the "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite function for the new retro screen effect (see docs for list of properties and possible values)
- Added several optional parameters to the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function for customizing various aspects of the screen shake (see docs for details)
- Added button to the "Shake Screen" visual node in the Script Editor for testing the current values for two seconds and a button for restoring the default values
- Added support for using the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function while other screen effects are active (previously, using it would disable the VHS/CRT monitor effect)
- Added second parameter to the "Enable Action" and "Disable Action" Bauxite functions for specifying the script name when used with the "Run Script" action
- Added ability to change/retrieve the title of a widget via script using the new ".title" property (e.g. widget["my_widget"].title = "New Widget Title")
- Added support for placeholder expressions in the text of widget buttons (see placeholder expression docs, e.g. ${["button_text"]})
- Added credit to the About dialog for the GodotSteam module used for the workshop, achievements, and rich presence (created by Gramps, see
- Renamed Voxel Editor to "Model Maker" to bring the name more in line with its capabilities now that it has expanded beyond voxel-based models only
- Reworded some buttons on the Game Manager dialog (e.g. "Create a New Game" is now "Start a New Adventure") and the titlebar of the "Create a New Game" dialog
- Changed "Export Game" button on the main toolbar to an "Export" menu that includes the "Export Game" option (preparing for future functionality)
- Changed "Sound FX Generator" button on the main toolbar to a "Sounds & Music" menu that includes the "Sound FX Generator" option and a "Built-In Music" option
- Combined "Import" and "Asset Library" toolbar buttons into one button with options for "Asset Library", "Steam Workshop", and "Files from External Folder"
- Updated location of the "Camera Positions" setting on the Map Properties tab to be higher up and closer to the other camera-related settings
- Updated "Exit to Game Manager" and "Exit RPG in a Box" buttons on the main toolbar to now be combined into a single "Exit" dropdown menu
- Updated Model Maker to keep voxels selected after copying and pasting them so it's easier to take further action on those voxels once pasted
- Updated Asset Library to now display all assets at once within a scrollable list and improved the initial opening speed of the dialog
- Updated "New Game" button on the Game Manager dialog, the "New Game" dialog titlebar, and Game Explorer project icon to use the adventure disk icon
- Updated editor startup splash image for "The Workshop", including a selection of models from the Steam Workshop (see About dialog for creator credits)
- Updated "Connect with RPG in a Box" section of the About dialog to include an Epic Games button that links to RPG in a Box's Epic Games store page
- Updated Patreon credits in the About dialog to reflect the currently active patrons (Dungeon Master, Hero, NPC, and Slime tiers)
- Updated "Enable/Disable Screen Effect" and "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite functions to include an parameter to specify which screen effect (see docs for details)
- Removed "Apply Camera Preset" function from the list of Bauxite functions in the Script Editor as it was mistakenly added before being fully implemented
- Removed Twitter button from the "Connect with RPG in a Box" section of the About dialog since the Twitter account is no longer being used
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the "Preview in Map Editor" button on the Map Properties tab was incorrectly enabled when opening a map with the VHS/CRT monitor effect enabled
- Fixed issue where pressing the ESC key (or input bound to "back") while an image was being shown via the "Display Image" function could cause the game to become stuck
- Fixed issue where subfolders without any models in them were not being displayed on the right-hand side asset tabs (i.e. tiles, objects, and characters)
- Fixed issue where the "Up" folder button wasn't being created if there were subfolders in the right-hand side asset tabs until the project was closed and reopened
- Fixed issue where auto-attached effects in subfolders weren't being selected in the "Configure Attached Objects/Effects" dialog dropdown when leaving then returning
- Fixed issue where changing frames or playing animations in the Model Maker's mesh view for multi-directional sprite-based models was not showing the correct sprite angle
- Fixed issue where modifying the "Default Initial Frame" setting for tiles and characters in the Model Maker would not trigger that a change was made or would be saved
- Fixed issue where the "Center Current View" button was not showing after selecting a saved camera position in the Model Maker then moving the camera
- Fixed issue where models within subfolders were not being properly added to the recent items list when saved in the Model Maker
- Fixed issue where pressing the Enter key while in the "Game Title" field of the "New Game" dialog would cause the application to crash
- Fixed issue where having a project folder that ended in the file extension expected in that folder (e.g. ".scn" for models) could cause various problems
- Fixed issue with French translations for "Then" and "Else" used in the Script Editor and Dialogue Editor (now translated as "Alors" and "Sinon")
- Updated built-in docs for the "Fire Projectile" Bauxite function to include a description of the function and each parameter, as well as a usage example
- Updated built-in docs for the "Enable Screen Effect" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and info about the new screen effect ID parameter
- Updated built-in docs for the "Disable Screen Effect" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and info about the new screen effect ID parameter
- Updated built-in docs for the "Set Screen Effect Property" Bauxite function to include a description, example, and list of properties for the retro effect
- Updated built-in docs for the "Shake Screen" Bauxite function to include info about the new strength, factor, and magnitude parameters
- Updated built-in docs for the "Enable/Disable Action" Bauxite functions to include descriptions, examples, and info about the new parameter for the "Run Script" action