This is Jake next to Julie, whose stuffed animal might look familiar

The upstairs area of the hub, which is essentially Jake's house. Some of the furniture models are from Padadu's furniture asset pack.

A better look at the workshop area of the hub

The thing on the left doesn't do anything, although it was originally going to. The thing in the middle is the fabricator, which can be used to create new items from materials acquired during missions. The thing on the right is a workbench for making upgrades to existing equipment.

A weapon I created as a joke (it will still be functional eventually).

This is an old video, but it is the only thing I have that showcases several of the features I've made (as well as some bugs, unfortunately)

Also, music is by Cyber Guy Audio on Youtube.

And finally, this is the finished half of the game's intro. It is worth noting that the police car now looks a lot better than it did in this video.

Unfortunately, the more times I've experienced that intro the less I like the dialogue, so I might need to do a rewrite.

I also just changed the music to something that fits the mood better

Made a little bit of progress on the morgue

The waiting room chairs are also from Padadu's furniture pack