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Override Animation

Overrides an entity's animation with another one. This can be used to replace a predefined animation (for example, a character's \“walk\” animation) with a custom one during the game. You can specify the same name for both parameters to revert that animation to its original settings.

override_animation(entity, animation_name, new_animation_name)
entityEntity for which to override the animation.EntityYes
animation_nameName of the animation to override.StringYes
new_animation_nameValue that will be assigned to the property.StringYes

You can also store general, game-wide properties that are not specific to a tile, object, or character. For more information, see Set Global Property.


override_animation(player, "walk", "silly_walk")

Results: Until reverted, the “silly_walk” animation be used whenever the player is walking instead of the original “walk” animation.

Use the Override Animation function to .

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override_animation.1504224074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/31 17:01 by justin