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Model Properties

The Model Properties panel displays various information pertaining to the model that's currently active in the Voxel Editor. The properties will vary slightly according to the type of resource being edited (i.e. tile, object, or character). Most of these values can be edited and are explained below.

Common Properties

TagsAllows you to assign one or more keywords that describe the model (e.g. a wooden chair could be given the tags “furniture” and “wooden”). These tags can then be selected from the filter dropdown at the top of the resource selection panel.
Light SourceWhen enabled, the model will act as a light source and emit light outward. See Positional Light for more details.
AnimationEach animation defined for the model will display as a separate item that can be expanded in order to view/edit its settings. See Animation for more details.

Tile Properties

WalkableDetermines the default navigation to/from this type of tile when initially placed into a map in the Map Editor. If enabled, navigation paths will be automatically connected from this tile to adjacent tiles at the same grid level.

Object Properties

PassableDetermines the default navigation to/from tiles on which this object is located when initially placed into a map in the Map Editor. If disabled, any adjacent navigation paths will be automatically removed when this object is placed onto a tile.

Character Properties

NameName to display during dialogue and in other scenarios where the character is referenced.
Name ColorColor to use for the character's name when displayed during dialogue and other scenarios. Select “Custom” to define a custom color for this character, or “Theme Default” to use the current theme's “Speaker Name Color” as defined in the Theme Editor.
PortraitImage of the character to display during dialogue and other scenarios.
Speaking Sound
Vision Height
model_properties.1499527561.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/08 08:26 by justin