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Map Editor


The Map Editor is where everything comes together. You will use this editor to build your game world using the tiles, objects, and characters that you've created in the Voxel Editor. There are three different “modes” available in the Map Editor:

  • Place: This mode is used to place tiles, objects, and characters into the map.
  • Edit: This mode is used for making modifications to existing tiles, objects and characters, for example, to delete or rotate a tile, attach a script to an object, add dialogue to a character, etc.
  • Connect: This mode is use to add, remove, or edit navigation paths between tiles.

Toolbar Buttons

FunctionDescriptionShortcut Key
New ResourceOpens the New Resource dialog (with “Map” selected for the resource type).
SaveSaves changes to the map.
Save AsSaves a copy of the map to a new file.
UndoReverts the most recent modification made to the map.Control+Z
RedoReapplies the last modification that was undone.Control+Y
Clear MapRemoves all tiles, objects, and characters from the map.
Generate Auto-Tile ConfigGenerates an auto-tile configuration from the map's tile layout. See Auto-Tiling for more information.
Toggle Grid
Toggle Navigation Paths
Toggle Markers
Place Mode F1
Edit Mode F2
Connect Mode F3
Randomize Rotation
Free Camera
Save Camera Position



Middle Mouse Button + DragRotate camera
Shift + Middle Mouse Button + DragMove camera
Scroll Wheel Up or Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button + Drag UpZoom camera in
Scroll Wheel Down or Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button + Drag DownZoom camera out

Place Mode

Place ResourceLeft Mouse ButtonPlace tile/object/character
Rotate ResourceRight Mouse ButtonRotate pending tile/object/character
Raise GridARaise placement grid by one voxel
Lower GridZLower placement grid by one voxel
Reset GridXReset placement grid to zero
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel UpRaise placement grid by an amount equal to the map's tile width in voxels
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel DownLower placement grid by an amount equal to the map's tile width in voxels

Edit Mode

Left Mouse ButtonSelect a tile/object/character.
Ctrl + Left Mouse ButtonSelect multiple tiles/objects/characters.
NCycle through the available navigation types if two adjacent tiles are selected.
RRotate the selected tiles/objects clockwise.
TRotate the selected tiles/objects/characters counterclockwise.
YRotate the selected tiles/objects/characters to a random angle.
D, DeleteDelete the selected tiles, objects, or characters.
GAdd the current selection to a group.
POpen the properties dialog for the selected tile/object/character. See Entity Properties.
CCopy the (X,Y,Z) coordinate of the selected tile/object/character to the clipboard.
LAdd a positional light at the location of the selected tile/object/character. The light's properties can then be edited from the Map Properties panel.

Connect Mode

Left Mouse Button + DragConnect two adjacent tiles using the currently selected navigation type.
Right Mouse Button + DragRemove existing navigation path between two adjacent tiles.
map_editor.1497482367.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/14 16:19 by justin