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Damage Entity

Deals the specified amount of damage to an entity. The entity is killed/destroyed if its health is reduced to zero.

damage_entity(entity, damage_amount)
entityEntity for which the rotation will be reset.EntityYes
damage_amountDuration of the rotation (in seconds).DecimalYes

Use the complementary Heal Entity function restore health to an entity that has been previously damaged.


damage_entity(player, 2)

Results: The player's health is reduced by 2.

Use the Reset Entity Rotation function to reset the player character or an NPC back to the direction they were facing prior to a cutscene, in particular when they were manually rotated to look at an object or another character.

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Visual Demo:

damage_entity.1499024073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/02 12:34 by justin