Added initial implementation of ranged weapons (with settings for range, projectile speed, and consumption types for unlimited use, single use, and requiring ammo items by ID or tag)
Added "Weapon" setting to the Item Editor for indicating that an equippable item should b...
Added initial Quick Slot Bar functionality to the game engine (drop an item on a slot to assign it, right-click to use, grab and drop outside of the widget to unassign it)
Added setting to the Game Configuration's "User Interface" section for enabling/disabling the quick...
Added placeholder for the upcoming quickslot bar to the dropdown on the UI Properties panel of the Widgets Editor
Added "Code Highlighting" section to the Editor Settings for changing the syntax colors of code displayed in the Script Editor, Quick Script Builder, and other editor text fields
Added ability to rename attach points in the Voxel Editor (either for all frames of the model or for the current frame only)
Fixed issue where the terrain type property was not carrying over to tiles already placed within existing maps (tiles will need to be saved again in the Voxel Editor)