New Features/Changes:

  • Added support for multiple scripts per tile (scripts can now be assigned for each trigger event instead of being limited to just one)
  • Updated script section of properties panel for objects to include "Trigger Event" dropdown (with only the existing "Character interacts" option for now)
  • Updated "Add Object" and "Add Character" scripting functions to support a direct tile reference for the target instead of requiring its ID or coordinate
  • Updated error handling for the "Add Object" scripting function to properly catch invalid types passed as parameters
  • Updated error handling for the "Set Entity Script" scripting function to properly catch invalid trigger type values for tile scripts
  • Updated style of the Ambient Light and Directional Light sections of the Map Properties panel to match other settings sections

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where attach points couldn't be moved after being renamed in the Voxel Editor (until the model was re-opened)
  • Fixed issue where dialogue marker icons were not being removed when placing a character with a default dialogue in the Map Editor then undoing the action
  • Fixed issue where the states of widget elements (items in slots, text within fields, toggle button states, etc.) were not being stored when saving a game
  • Fixed issue where equipped items were not being stored when saving a game (causing "Unequip Item" attempts to fail after loading the saved game)
  • Fixed issue where a character's currency amount was not being stored when saving a game and therefore not being restored after loading the saved game
  • Fixed issue with "Add Object" scripting function where objects could be placed onto tiles already occupied by an object or NPC
  • Fixed issue with "Add Tile", "Add Object", and "Add Character" scripting functions not properly validating the entity ID when provided
  • Fixed issue where platforms would not resume their movement upon returning to a map when the player left the map while the platform was still moving
  • Fixed issue with global properties not being reset after a game was restarted (after the player is defeated or via the "Restart Game" function)
  • Fixed issue with references to party members (i.e. party.member["member_id"]) stored in variables or properties not working correctly when later referenced
  • Fixed issue with widgets not being visible after a game was restarted (after the player is defeated or via the "Restart Game" function)
  • Fixed issue with widget text fields sometimes reverting to their original text value (e.g. when modifying the text of another element)
  • Fixed issue where the states of widget elements were not being properly reset when a game was restarted
  • Fixed issue with the widget toolbar not displaying on the management screen when an item container was opened without having first opened the management screen
  • Fixed issue with item tooltips not being hidden when the widget containing the corresponding item slot was hidden with the "Hide Widget" function
  • Fixed issue with entity tooltips not being hidden after the corresponding entity was removed from the scene