Development updates and release notes for RPG in a Box

I have finally released v0.0.3-alpha! Once again, I apologize for how long it has been since the last release. I should be able to get back into a more routine cycle now that things have settled down a bit. Check out the Download page for a list of new features and bug fixes. A few of the more int...


The second alpha release of RPG in a Box is now available! Head over to the Download page for more information on what is new in this version. The major new features include a Game Manager and Game Explorer for creating/maintaining your game project and its resources as well as the ability to expo...


The first release, v0.0.1-alpha, is now available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X! Head over to the Download page if you’d like to give it a try. For the Windows and Linux versions, just unzip the file to any location and run the “rpginabox” executable located in the main “RPG in a Box” folder. F...