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Data Files

Although it should be considered an experimental feature at this time and requires a bit of manual setup, it's possible to access custom data stored in JSON files from scripts. To do so, you must first create a subfolder named “data” within your game's project folder and place the desired JSON file into that folder. When exporting your game, the editor will automatically include any files in the data folder having the .json extension.

As a simple example, let's say you wanted to maintain a list of items that the player character should begin the game with without needing to update your game's startup script every time the list changes. In this scenario, you could create a JSON file within the data folder named “start_items.json” that looks something like this, with an array of item IDs corresponding to the desired items.


You can then use the “data” syntax to reference the filename (minus the .json extension) and access its data from a script. In our example, you could use this syntax along with a “for” loop to give each item to the player from your game's startup script.

for item_id in data["start_items"] do
data_files.1588701144.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/05 10:52 by justin