Overview of the User Interface

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Revision as of 16:50, 15 July 2016 by Justin (Talk | contribs)

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The user interface of RPG in a Box is divided into several components. This section provides details on the purpose and functionality of each of these components.

Game Manager

Game manager.png

Main Toolbar

The main toolbar is located along the top of the application and provides quick access to some of the general application functionality.

Main toolbar.png

  • Export Game: Displays the Export Game dialog which is used when you want to playtest your game or distribute it.
  • Import Resources: Displays the Import Resources dialog which can be used to import resources (such as images) from the filesystem into your game project.
  • Settings: Displays the Settings dialog. This is used to configure various settings related to the behavior of the software.
  • Help: Opens the RPG in a Box wiki in your default browser.
  • About: Displays the About dialog containing general information about the software such as the version number.
  • Exit: Exits the program.

Game Explorer

Game explorer.png


Properties Panel

Map properties.png

Resource Panel

Resource container.png