DKSubconscious Is this a blockbench related question? Otherwise attached objects should play the same animation name of the thing it is attached to. So if you have a sword object, add an idle, walk or attack animation to it. Let's say you paint your sword red in its attack animation and green on idle. When attached to the player or npc, it'll turn red when the player attacks and green when he is idle, and in this case, just have the default animation when walking.
Blockbench Importing with Community Plugin
Thank you very much!!! Does this also chain through attached Objects? I can't wait to test this out tonight when I'm back from work! I can test my own question too :-P
DKSubconscious Uf haven't tested. If it doesn't, it sounds like it is something that Justin could quickly crank out in the next patch.
There is also a beta version of the export plugin with improved performance:
Assuming this is the structure you are looking for, don't think I've touched no bones from what I know, guessing you are refering to pivotspoints and folders in the animation edit, never seen no bones menu in the actual editing part. Looks like all the guilty meshes are just rotated normally.
Updated the beta version of the export plugin. Fixed a bug with mesh rotations. Added support for rotation of bones (groups) in edit mode.
skumleren I tested it last week and yes you can chain, I did it first with default voxel objects and then I attached to an object a blockbench mesh with the same animation names and it chained through that!! So thank you for the advice :-)
Well, I was kind enough to let you rest over a full week since last bumping the threat!
I'm guessing there is a bug happening, if you animate something in local space and not in global/parent.
The plugin is deprecated, use Blockbench converter instead: