
  • 3 days ago
  • Joined May 23, 2024
  • Designy, developery, musiciany, fathery, generally possibly awesomie :-D

  • It's easy enough to do initial designs in pixels but animating is another ball game, then making it into voxels is a different kettle of fish. But focusing on this 1 zombie I believe is the best course of action. Then it will be Barbara next so I can work properly on the graveyard chase scene.

  • So the original sketch was alright but I decided to focus a little more on the first zombie and converted my previous one. It's starting to look a lot more like him. Obviously a large cartoony head :-D

  • Okay I'm finally back! The first thing I want to do is spend some time on the Initial Zombie as seen below from a scene in the 30th Anniversary edition.

    I'm thinking of having the zombie made up of different parts:

    • body and legs
    • upper body top
    • head
    • left arm
    • right arm

    It seems like I need to just create some basic parts and try out what I'm thinking initially. The battle with me is to hold back on trying to do any detail and try to get the animation aspect pretty good.! We shall see

  • So lets say all I want to do is rotate an item from 0 to 180 over nth number of frames, I would set frame 0 to be 0 degrees and frame 10 to be 180. I would also be able to choose an ease mode for this tween. With a start and end frame like:

    animation: swing axe

    • frame 1 - XRot 50 start
    • frame 2 - XRot --
    • frame 3 - XRot 0 end - ease out
    • frame 4 - XRot 0 start - ease in
    • frame 5 - XRot --
    • frame 6 - XRot --
    • frame 7 - XRot --
    • frame 8 - XRot --
    • frame 9 - XRot -- end

    Though as you can see it could get a little irritating. I'm trying to think of ways to do this without using a timeline.

    Maybe an option where you can choose an animation to be over nth virtual frames so in effect you would have 1 frame rotation again for an example:

    • frame 1
      -- XRot -180 to 180 linear over 24 fps
      -- YRot -180 to 180 linear over 24 fps
      -- YOffset -30 to 30 ease in out 24 fps

    With this you now have 1 frame but 24 virtual frames of animation with ease effects. Could help out with doing fully rotating cogs, doors/items swinging open and shut. The timeline would nail it though :-P

    Quick Note:
    Have you heard of They have a very interesting timeline, like Flash style but one of the cool things they did was to add a blend option as well, so if you have 2 animations of the same items, you can take a percentage of each and apply. So lets say a face with angry and happy styles you can apply to the same vectors. You then have talking, but the blend of the angry means the talking and the angry positions rotations can work together. While choosing how much of the blend you want. Crazy stuff :-P and worth just getting on your radar of cool thingies :-)

    It is free so you could just have a mess about to see their timeline stuff in comparison to Flash.

  • skumleren I tested it last week and yes you can chain, I did it first with default voxel objects and then I attached to an object a blockbench mesh with the same animation names and it chained through that!! So thank you for the advice :-)

  • Thank you very much!!! Does this also chain through attached Objects? I can't wait to test this out tonight when I'm back from work! I can test my own question too :-P

    • So I tried with a daft cake, I managed to import it into an object with zero property options. THEN, found out how to attach it to another object or character which was all good, just duplication. I was wondering with an attached model how are you supposed to activate animations stored within it?

      It seems that people are doing it but there are no tutorials for it :-(

      • A great part of starting this project is I'm learning everything about this program. Fortunately I code in Javascript and have done some PHP so I'm not too bad an coding. I want to focus on getting creative and just making something cool. Plus as I learn I can show the kids :-)

        This is a quick in game screen shot just for working on some mechanics and figuring out lightning and lighting. The zombie was initially done in Acesprite and to be honest with you It'll be daunting trying to figure out animations but I'm going to dive in feet first and go for it!!

      • It may only be a few scenes or maybe I'll try and complete the entire thing. It seemed like a fantastic project to work especially as the movie is public domain. What do I need to learn?

      • Also another quick note. When initiating audio via script, would it be possible to have that audio emit from any coord, object, character. To allow for the audio direction and volume to be applicable to this.


        1. settings for default volume fade distance in tiles.
          so 10 would end up in 10% volume change each tile towards the emitting area
      • Hi there again :-)

        Was wondering if it is possible to match the lighting effects and if there is or will be reflection style abilities in version 2.0. The reason I think this is an awesome thing to focus on graphics wise is:

        1. it gives us more ability to create beautiful voxels
        2. doesn't overstep the concept of the application centered around voxels!

        This was the video that got me excited :-P

      • Yup I agree, I've just started and I go to particular areas and there are no examples. Not only that, if I remember rightly Slayer told me in help a few days ago that if you set a variable and call a script afterwards, you can have access to that variable from within the called script. That is some var scoping right there that I would never have known :-S

        But yes in the documents I see empty areas which means I go straight to help :-S

      • Hey I wonder if you created a global codex with key value pairs and you could set the key to your map name and the value to the description? = codex[
          "map_01": "The Dark Dungeon",
          "map_02": "The Crazy Beach"

        I mean you could have more data than that obviously, I assume you can add codex with a codex :-S = codex[
          "map_01": codex[
            "name": "The Dark Dungeon",
            "points": 100

        Though this is assuming you can actually dynamically get the current map name which I can't seem to find now I've written the above :-S

        Ahh yes found it


      • I've just started messing with the Dialogue editor and think it is fantastic, but based on what I saw @Slayer discussing in his Dialogue Lesson 5 I had a moment of thought which became the following. A bespoke script located only with the Dialogue view in order to modify using both style which would:

        1. push for a clean dialogue abstraction
        2. enable people to speed up their workflow mixing between both styles
        3. make it easy to copy paste into new dialogues.
      • I'm just throwing this into the mix and is very much up for debate :-)

        In order to create a game loop it seems to generally be done in a map via a Post-Load script either within or calling another script. This would need replicating for many maps and could be solved with this addition, generally it would be for more global repeated aspects and would be great for a little code separation:

        1. Provides a script that loops by default, no need for a while loop inside
        2. provides a global.loop_duration var to use in various map scripts which may need their own while loops still

        Image mockup provided for reference:

      • I would be fantastic to have audio controls for (stereo, events and volume) on Music & Sound effects.

        Case examples:

        1. make music louder if a container is opened
        2. quick script to change audio on entering another room away from some music music
        3. nth layers of music, (kick, synths, bass) which could play at the same time and you introduce during the progression as a cool build up.

        Stereo option:

        1. sounds based on location of emitter and your players position / rotation
        2. could also have auto volume mode with grid distance for fade?


        1. current audio position, to start another track at the same position
        2. audio complete in order to trigger other scripts
      • On rotating the mouse around it would be great to double click the middle mouse scroll button to reset the camera angle. This could be quick to do!! :-D

        So I'm sure I've seen this in some other apps and seems in-built into my muscle memory.