
  • Nov 1, 2024
  • Joined Nov 17, 2023
  • Justin Well, it tries to, the first jump almost. Try putting it to 100% and jump and spawm wasd randomly and the character pretty much just get stuck. Especially pronounced if you have more than one jump enabled. Even better, try moving forward, jumping, then turn around with the mouse, the character just drop dead.

  • I’ve got quite a few hours in RPGiAB under my belt, but nomatter what I try, I never seem to manage to finish. Probably because I’m mainly interested in the visual side of things, animations, models, 2d art, etc. So I’m looking for another developer who might be struggling in those areas, together maybe we can make something complete?

    I would like to say that I’m pretty decent at scripting, worldbuilding etc. but it generally drains me when I finish up assets and start working on the wider world.

    I can definitely put in some hours, if it is a project that I’m interested in. Got a project that require assistance or got a vision where the visual side of things is the hurdle? Then don’t hesitate to contact me, either here or on discord, and we might could have a chat!

    Thank you for your time!

    • If you are using grid based movement, the height isn't an issue, as long as it is placed on the tile you are standing on, or interact-allowed neighbor. Assuming also the buttons are the only "objects" on the tiles in question. Might be worth double checking.

      If not, try posting a picture or the scripts in case they might be causing the issue.

    • Well, I was kind enough to let you rest over a full week since last bumping the threat!
      I'm guessing there is a bug happening, if you animate something in local space and not in global/parent.

      • In free movement, from what I remember I tested, the interactable object needs to be present in the middle third of the player character doing the interaction.

        So if your player model is six voxel high, it doesn't register an interactable object in front of it, if it is 2 voxels or lower, or 4 voxels and higher. Not sure why, just know it does. Probably a thing that will be changed at some point.

        • mail.wi many many thanks, will do a little tester tomorrow and it'll probably be fixed ^^

        • LuckyBoyAK Arh true that will probably be implemented at some point. If you use the on hit script, you could possibly ductape some kind of crude range checker inside that script, seeing as it can find the $target coordinates, compare it to players coords, and make the ability fizzle if the distance is too great. Haven't got something lying around, but there are some bright heads around that knows how to do it I'm sure.

        • mail.wi Very nice!

          Can you fix the bug that decreases the fps when only using a couple of thousands meshes? xD

          • mail.wi

            Assuming this is the structure you are looking for, don't think I've touched no bones from what I know, guessing you are refering to pivotspoints and folders in the animation edit, never seen no bones menu in the actual editing part. Looks like all the guilty meshes are just rotated normally.

            • DKSubconscious Is this a blockbench related question? Otherwise attached objects should play the same animation name of the thing it is attached to. So if you have a sword object, add an idle, walk or attack animation to it. Let's say you paint your sword red in its attack animation and green on idle. When attached to the player or npc, it'll turn red when the player attacks and green when he is idle, and in this case, just have the default animation when walking.

            • LuckyBoyAK There is a couple of ways depending on what you want. There is a couple of scripts you can attach to the weapon like "on equip" script. Make a script that give your character multiple skills from the skill editor, like cleave, wirldwind or something similar you make in there, then have another script take them away on the "on unequip" part of the item script.

              If you just want the item to do random things, you can attach an "on hit script" on the item as well, where the only limit is your imagination.

              • Golden404 I hope you have more willpower then me! If it takes more than 15ish minutes it is on to the next thing!

                • I'm assuming you mean different animations? and old way I went about with it, was to have 5 different attack animations on the player character, then have this script run in the global events scripts whenever a character took damage, changing the attack animation to a random one of the five.. This unfortunately also plays the animation for some reason, which eventually made me stop using it, but you can use the script as an example of one way to go about making the boring normal attack animation a bit more interesting.

                  $attackanim = random(1, 5);
                  if $attackanim == 1 then
                  override_animation(player, "attack", "attack");
                  elseif $attackanim == 2 then
                  override_animation(player, "attack", "attack2");
                  elseif $attackanim == 3 then
                  override_animation(player, "attack", "attack3");
                  elseif $attackanim == 4 then
                  override_animation(player, "attack", "attack4");
                  elseif $attackanim == 5 then
                  override_animation(player, "attack", "attack5");

                  • Many successfull imports later, something has once again gone awry. Unlike the previous example, the animations are fine on this model, but the figure itself did not seem to survive the transition even though living up to the previously mentioned speccs. Got a guess? Too many strange angles? Too many meshes in one bone?

                    • I have uploaded a project where there are two examples of turning on and off lighting. Unzip and open with RPGiAB, see how it can be done and copy / paste what is needed. There are some instructions in the map.

                      Might seem a bit disconnected, was thinking of creating a bigger tutorial project and this was just a small snippet of it.

                    • As requested in another threat, here is a potentiel flashlight system for your game in the zipped project folder. You are free to copy/paste edit and do whatever with it.

                      It involves adding an additional player stat flashlightpower, then topping it off with batteries and slowly draining when you hit "F" to turn on the flashlight. It should be good to go, with the script replacing batteries if the player tries to spam click the item etc.

                      It is a barebone project, and pretty much just contain the flashlight part, but could possibly be useful if you are learning some of the visual scripting. This is probably of a medium to hard difficulty, not necessarily the script, but the fact that it also uses everything; playerstats, widgets, attachment points etc.


                    • MadManMoody

                      Was my first thought to add second condition as well, but seeing as the loop note didn't have an add condition like the evaluate node, I didn't give it much though. Tried adding an evaluate condition in the loop, which promptly crashed game or made it lock up for several seconds, so that is why I did the save variable thing. Manually putting in the "and" and IsFlashlightOn in the loop node would make it work as initially intentioned and stop the flickering and stuff.

                      Will quickly give it a go and update when home. Maybe also add proper stat functionality, I could see several people wanting to use such a system in their game.