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Enable Screen Effect

Enables either the VHS/CRT monitor effect or the retro effect over a duration of time (in seconds). The second parameter should be a string value of other “vhs” or “retro” (case-sensitive).


enable_screen_effect(duration, screen_effect_id)
durationDuration of time over which the screen effect will be enabled. Defaults to 0 (instant).NumberNo
screen_effect_idID of the screen effect to enable, either “vhs” or “retro”. Defaults to “vhs” if omitted.StringNo


enable_screen_effect(2, "retro");

Results: The retro screen effect is faded in over a duration of 2 seconds.

Use the Enable Screen Effect function to…

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enable_screen_effect.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/16 14:29 by justin