Day 266 - Small Hydroponic Pod
Today is day 266! That means there are only 100 days to go! Here's a small hydroponic pod so you can grow plants on your space station or whatnot.
Day 266 - Small Hydroponic Pod
Today is day 266! That means there are only 100 days to go! Here's a small hydroponic pod so you can grow plants on your space station or whatnot.
Day 267 - Plant 02
After months of inorganic models it feels good to be making plants again. This little guy is an homage to one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games.
Day 268 - Plant 03
Might just make bizarre scifi plants for the rest of the year (joking, but I am tempted). Here's a lovely little grey and purple guy - up to you whether or not those flowers are highly useful or highly dangerous.
Day 269 - Plant 04
I guess this technically would be a fungus and therefore not a plant? Right? I'm not really sure how that works.
It is a FUNGI so no, it is not a plant.
Day 270 - Plant 05
Help! I can't stop making plants!
Here's a spiky blue fern of some type. Ferns have always felt alien to me, never could wrap my mind around the two separate life cycles and the lack of seeds and flowers.
Day 271 - Plant 06
This plant looks suspiciously like a Rafflesia...
Day 272 - Large Planter
A large stack-able hydroponic planter so you can grow crops on your spaceships!
Day 273 - Small Planter
A small stack-able hydroponic planter. I apologize for the horrible preview image, I don't know how to take screenshots.
Day 274 - Monitor
A ceiling-mounted monitor. I apologize for the extremely unsatisfying animation - no matter how long you watch it's just not gonna go in the corner.
These are really good assets clean work, you can see the attention to detail. Great work!
Harogat / Mani Thank you so much!
Day 275 - Spooky Scifi Set! Wall 01
I've been so excited about the prospect of taking all the existing scifi assets and spooking them up! And now it's finally time! Just an initial wall set with a new palette and texture for today, but much more to come!
Day 276 - Wall 01 Corners
A set of inner and outer corners - I'll be making some variations (damage, rust, blood) soon!
Day 277 - Wall 01 Variants
Some grungier variants of the tiles from the previous two days.
Day 278 - Window 01 (and variants)
Note to self: start taking screenshots in game instead of in the map editor because the lighting is way cooler.
Day 279 - Floor 01
The worst part about this "365 days of voxel models" is trying to come up with something to say every single day. At least it's fun and easy to make models and set up little scenes in RPG in a Box!
Day 280 - Panels
The first animated tiles this month! Some malfunctioning panels in both dirty and slightly less dirty varieties!
Day 281 - Dirty Floors
Is there dust in a spaceship? They literally exist in a vacuum right? But would they get dusty and old and dirty?
Day 282 - Narrow Door
Are there any games that utilize malfunctioning automatic doors as a hazard? Because the thought of being pinched by one is kinda scary if you think about it.