Day 253 - Bookcase
I saw this funky looking bookcase online and thought it would go well with the current scifi set. I also made an empty version you can fill with whatever you like!
Day 253 - Bookcase
I saw this funky looking bookcase online and thought it would go well with the current scifi set. I also made an empty version you can fill with whatever you like!
Day 254 - Sink
It's a sink! But it's futuristic because the knobs glow or something? Maybe it's touch sensitive or voice activated? idk
Day 255 - Toilet
It took every fiber of by being not to title this post "Terlet"
Sarah ter-what?
also, don't you mean every Voxel of your being
Ha, it's like you read my mind. When I saw that sink yesterday my first thought was "I need a toilet to go with that"
JamaicanDave They do say that great minds think alike!
LuckyBoyAK I really missed that pun opportunity
Day 256 - Trash Can
A super high-tech trash can that obliterates trash with lasers! I hope you never throw away anything you need later...
Day 257 - Toilet Paper
In a dystopian future bidets are outlawed and we must all go back to using dead trees to manually clean ourselves like barbarians.
Day 258 - Shower
It's even soundproof so no one can hear you crying in there...
February's asset pack is now up for public download - it has a ton of models to build traditional Japanese style buildings and gardens.
Day 259 - Med-bay Bed
Every ship needs a med-bay, full of strange and advanced technology, right? So here's a hospital bed for your sci-fi patients.
Day 260 - Cart
I started the day with grand ideas of complicated medical equipment but ended up with a really bad headache - so here's a metal cart to put future medical equipment on.
Day 261 - Medical Scanner
Wouldn't it be great if there was a device you could just scan your body with that would diagnose any injuries or illnesses you might have?
Day 262 - Syringes
Ugh, I guess needles still exist in the future.
Day 263 - Med-bay Light
An overhead light with monitor for putting over your med-bay beds.
Day 264 - Surgery Robot
It's a robot. It does surgery. I'm trying my best.
I have never been in a doctor's office where they didn't roll around the room on their little doctor stool, and I expect that won't change in the future.
Day 266 - Small Hydroponic Pod
Today is day 266! That means there are only 100 days to go! Here's a small hydroponic pod so you can grow plants on your space station or whatnot.
Day 267 - Plant 02
After months of inorganic models it feels good to be making plants again. This little guy is an homage to one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games.