Day 234 - Strange Pod
A strange pod filled with bubbling green fluid.
Day 234 - Strange Pod
A strange pod filled with bubbling green fluid.
Day 235 - Attache Case
Honestly, it's probably not a great idea to store your important documents on top of your strange fluid filled pods, but you do you.
Day 236 - Batteries
I guess even in the future you'll still have to deal with replacing batteries, but hey, at least they glow!
Day 237 - Cryogenic Pod
Go to sleep at your starting point and wake up at your destination without even aging a day! It's the only way to fly!
Day 238 - Ladder
IDK if you'll need to change lightbulbs in the future - but if you do you can use this ladder to get to them!
Day 239 - Window
I really liked the shape of that one window I made for a previous wall set, so I remade it for the grey wall set.
Day 240 - Wall (lost track of number)
Another slight edit and palette change of a previous wall tile. It looks pleasing to touch.
Day 241 - Folding Chair
I am sorry to inform you that even in the future humanity hasn't progressed beyond folding chairs with rubber feet.
Day 242 - Keycard
A keycard - can be used to access high security areas. You probably shouldn't just leave this laying around...
Why do they always do that?
LuckyBoyAK Right? Maybe it's some kinda self-preservation (if I leave this important plot advancing object on my desk I won't have to die for the main character to be able to get it!)
Day 243 - Keycard Reader
A keycard reader to go with yesterday's keycard - plus a lil bonus unlock animation!
Smart, but they usually die anyway
Day 244 - Key Card & Reader 02 & 03
Two new keycard color/types with matching keycard readers and unlock animations! Keep people out of important areas or make people look for the right keycard!
Day 245 - Bed
I have a few more ideas for the scifi theme so I'll be continuing it this month as well! For today we have a very cramped bed that you can stack to make even more cramped. Efficiency!
Ah, can't go wrong with moar of the Sci Fi assets. Those beds remind me of the bunk room in Red Dwarf.
Day 246 - Nightstand
A place to put your laser-gun while you dream of electric sheep.
Day 247 - Alarm Clock
Maybe in the future LED screen alarm clocks are considered as charming and nostalgic as the kind you wind up with chimes on the top are today.
Day 248 - Ray Gun
What do you mean it looks like a toy? Don't you realize how dangerous this thing is?!
Day 249 - Planter and Plant
A simple planter and some kind of scif-fi space succulent.