Day 220 - Door
A door to match the new wall and floor set, animated!
Day 220 - Door
A door to match the new wall and floor set, animated!
Day 221 - Pillar
A structural support beam, it's cool cause it has lights on it.
Day 222 - Radiation Sign
I think those canisters might be dangerous? Hang this sign up to let people know.
Day 223 - Decorative Wall
Some sort of decorative wall piece to break up the monotony of the existing wall set. I like how much these seemingly useless decorative pieces add to the scene, will probably be making more of them.
Day 224 - Upper Walls
Wanted to make the warehouse area a little larger and more interesting, so I came up with these upper walls, four tiles for today - plain, lit, corner, and that square thing. I also made a version of the pillar in two pieces for taller maps. Huzzah.
Huzzah. Or Huzzah!
Day 225 - Wire Walls
More things of dubious purpose - wires! There are four tiles in this set but only three shown here. Mix them and match them to make your walls look messy and industrial.
Day 226 - Wall Light
More wall tiles! This one is some kinda embedded light thingie. Gives off a subtle blue glow for atmosphere.
Day 227 - Exhaust Fan
I am quite pleased with how this one turned out. It's an object so you can scale it up and make it larger (2x will make it take up a 2x2 space for example)
Day 228 - Chair
Just a basic chair, but this set only had one so far, and now it has two.
Day 229 - Table/Shelf
Use one like a table or stack to make a shelf!
This Sci-Fi set of assets is pretty awesome so far, can so easily see myself using something like this in a game. Keep it up!
Day 230 - Crate 02
Let's please ignore the fact that I did a horrible job placing these and didn't notice until just now...
Day 231 - Scaffolding
A simple tile to add some interest and structure to open spaces.
Day 232 - Computer
Maybe in the future blue is a good color?
Day 233 - Fire Extinguisher
Only you can prevent space station fires.
I have a sticker that says “only you can prevent space lasers”
Day 234 - Strange Pod
A strange pod filled with bubbling green fluid.
Day 235 - Attache Case
Honestly, it's probably not a great idea to store your important documents on top of your strange fluid filled pods, but you do you.
Day 236 - Batteries
I guess even in the future you'll still have to deal with replacing batteries, but hey, at least they glow!