Day 340 - Pistol
This is totally an homage to one of Justin's favorite games, he recognized it so I feel successful <3
Day 340 - Pistol
This is totally an homage to one of Justin's favorite games, he recognized it so I feel successful <3
Sarah which one?
LuckyBoyAK Doom 2016
Day 341 - Shelf
A nice little inset shelf to save space. It's super annoying to dust though.
Day 342 - Desk
A proper desk, if a little old and rusty. And the drawers actually work!
Day 343 - Lamp
A good desk needs a good desk lamp. I'm fairly certain my subconscious recreated this from a real lamp from my childhood.
Day 344 - Assorted Tiles
Some miscellaneous tiles to work with the existing tile sets, why do the floating light cubes look so cool though?
Day 345 - Bookshelf
This is such an impractical bookshelf. Cool shape though.
Day 346 - Medical Bed
Two versions of the same bed, that's just rust...right?
Sarah rust?
On cloth?
LuckyBoyAK Maybe there's a leaky pipe up above it? A leaky rusty pipe...that dried up...?
Day 347 - Tray
A wheeled metal tray - in "clean" and rusty variants.
Sarah the pipe dried up, or what was in it?
Day 348 - Syringes
I thought about making these rusty but I think needles are bad enough on their own.
Day 349 - Stool
I don't even want to know what happened to it...
Day 350 - Medical Scanner
This is pretty high on the list of "scifi gadgets I wish were real" is it better than a teleporter though?
(I forgot to hit post yesterday! )
Day 351 - Medical Light
A large and oppressive light with multiple readouts and lights and knobs and wires and such.
Day 352 - Medical Machine
How do you feel about surgery robots? If they're anything like AI maybe we should give them a few iterations to work out the bugs...or else wake up from surgery with a few too many fingers...
Day 353 - Trash Can
A super-futuristic garbage can that vaporizes whatever you put inside. Just make sure that you really want to get rid of stuff first.