Day 349 - Stool
I don't even want to know what happened to it...
Day 349 - Stool
I don't even want to know what happened to it...
Day 350 - Medical Scanner
This is pretty high on the list of "scifi gadgets I wish were real" is it better than a teleporter though?
(I forgot to hit post yesterday! )
Day 351 - Medical Light
A large and oppressive light with multiple readouts and lights and knobs and wires and such.
Day 352 - Medical Machine
How do you feel about surgery robots? If they're anything like AI maybe we should give them a few iterations to work out the bugs...or else wake up from surgery with a few too many fingers...
Day 353 - Trash Can
A super-futuristic garbage can that vaporizes whatever you put inside. Just make sure that you really want to get rid of stuff first.
Day 354 - Sink and Counter
I mean, you still need to wash your hands in space.
Day 355 - Toilet
It's a toilet...there's really not much else to say...
Sarah the water looks a suspiciously clean
LuckyBoyAK Forgive me! I couldn't bring myself to make nasty toilet water
Day 356 - Shower
It's a rainfall shower - sorry if you didn't want to wash your hair...
Day 357 - Plant and Planter
Less than 10 days left in my crazy project! I think I can make it, but I don't want to celebrate yet.
You probably shouldn't touch that plant though.
Me wants to touch it…
Day 358 - Small Hydroponics Pod
Keep your plants happy and safe while keeping yourself safe from dangerous plants!
Day 359 - Small Hydroponics Shelf
You want to touch the dangerous, spiky, alien plant?! Fine! Now you can with this handy stacking hydroponic planter with grow lights!
Sarah yay!
Day 360 - Carnivorous Plant
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I hope you wanted a carnivorous plant, because I got you a carnivorous plant...I wrapped it a few weeks ago, it seems hungry...
( @LuckyBoyAK - please don't touch this one!)
Day 361 - Large Planter
A bigger planter to plant more of...well...plants...
Don’t worry I’m not gonna touch it. I’ll pet it!
Day 362 - Large Planter
I had to go back and make a planter that would fit the carnivorous plant, it felt wrong to just have her sitting on a dirt tile in the middle of the floor.
Day 363 - Corpseflower
...It smells terrible...