Day 353 - Trash Can
A super-futuristic garbage can that vaporizes whatever you put inside. Just make sure that you really want to get rid of stuff first.
Day 353 - Trash Can
A super-futuristic garbage can that vaporizes whatever you put inside. Just make sure that you really want to get rid of stuff first.
Day 354 - Sink and Counter
I mean, you still need to wash your hands in space.
Day 355 - Toilet
It's a toilet...there's really not much else to say...
Sarah the water looks a suspiciously clean
LuckyBoyAK Forgive me! I couldn't bring myself to make nasty toilet water
Day 356 - Shower
It's a rainfall shower - sorry if you didn't want to wash your hair...
Day 357 - Plant and Planter
Less than 10 days left in my crazy project! I think I can make it, but I don't want to celebrate yet.
You probably shouldn't touch that plant though.
Me wants to touch it…
Day 358 - Small Hydroponics Pod
Keep your plants happy and safe while keeping yourself safe from dangerous plants!
Day 359 - Small Hydroponics Shelf
You want to touch the dangerous, spiky, alien plant?! Fine! Now you can with this handy stacking hydroponic planter with grow lights!
Sarah yay!
Day 360 - Carnivorous Plant
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I hope you wanted a carnivorous plant, because I got you a carnivorous plant...I wrapped it a few weeks ago, it seems hungry...
( @LuckyBoyAK - please don't touch this one!)
Day 361 - Large Planter
A bigger planter to plant more of...well...plants...
Don’t worry I’m not gonna touch it. I’ll pet it!
Day 362 - Large Planter
I had to go back and make a planter that would fit the carnivorous plant, it felt wrong to just have her sitting on a dirt tile in the middle of the floor.
Day 363 - Corpseflower
...It smells terrible...
Day 364 - Ceiling Monitor
Nothing says "high-tech" like a wired 80lb cube suspended in the corner of a room.
Still gonna touch that plant
Day 365 - Plant 08
We're almost there! One more day left!
Also here is another plant that you definitely should not be touching. Please don't touch it. Seriously.
Sarah you can’t make me!