Day 331 - Ladder
It's both a tetanus risk and falling hazard!
Day 331 - Ladder
It's both a tetanus risk and falling hazard!
Day 332 - Big Ol' Window
Gaze out upon the blackness, the eternal emptiness of space.
Day 333 - Folding Chair
It's a dusty old folding chair, you sat on it and now your pants are all dirty.
Day 334 - Keycards
A set of three keycards, usually not found all together in a convenient group.
Things can never be convenient, can they?
Day 335 - Keycard Readers
Keycards aren't very useful without locks to put them in! Keep people out (or monsters in) with these three color-coded locks.
Day 336 - Broken Cryopod
It's clearly malfunctioning
Day 337 - Bunk Bed
I call top bunk!
AGH! this is so late, I promise I haven't forgotten! Just got a little distracted!
Day 338 - Nightstand
Do spaceships really need nightstands?
Day 339 - Alarm Clock
What do you mean red leds and wood paneling aren't "scifi"?!
This is incredibly detailed your asset collection is incredible I notice when creating how hard some things are to visualize hey but you really always get to the point really nice!!!
What’s they new theme?
Harogat / Mani Thank you so much! Honestly I wish I had a fraction of your talent, so that really means a lot!
LuckyBoyAK Still on the retro/aged/spooky scifi - might make a few random things at the end of the month if I run out of conversions!
Day 340 - Pistol
This is totally an homage to one of Justin's favorite games, he recognized it so I feel successful <3
Sarah which one?
LuckyBoyAK Doom 2016
Day 341 - Shelf
A nice little inset shelf to save space. It's super annoying to dust though.
Day 342 - Desk
A proper desk, if a little old and rusty. And the drawers actually work!
Day 343 - Lamp
A good desk needs a good desk lamp. I'm fairly certain my subconscious recreated this from a real lamp from my childhood.
Day 344 - Assorted Tiles
Some miscellaneous tiles to work with the existing tile sets, why do the floating light cubes look so cool though?