Day 291 - Big Light
It's okay though because it's very old and very dim (and very yellow)
Day 291 - Big Light
It's okay though because it's very old and very dim (and very yellow)
Day 292 - Monitor 01
This was fun to animate
Day 293 - Floor 02
Slightly 3d due to the attached object used to make the upper portion. On that note I am so excited for the new update which will enable attached objects to display in the map editor.
Day 294 - Pipes
Just some gross rusty old pipes.
Day 295 - Door 02
I think this door is probably a little too retro, it doesn't look scifi at all.
Day 296 - Door 02 Damaged
I love making the dirty and damaged version of tiles, clean tiles are nice and all but there's something so satisfying about busting out a few windows and rusting some metal.
Day 297 - Wide Door
It took me a while to get this door converted, got bored after the first two and wanted to do something different for a while, but now it's done! Probably my favorite door from the scifi set though.
Day 298 - Caution Border
Why do I love this so much? It's such a simple set of objects but it's so pleasing to me, someone please explain?
Day 299 - Security Camera
Changing the solid green light to a blinking red one makes it seem so much more malevolent. Also maybe too much beige, need to work on another wall set.
Day 300 - Numberpad
IT'S DAY 300!!! Did anyone think I'd be able to stick with it this long? To be honest I wasn't so sure myself! Have a faded and smudged number entry pad - and I promise next month will have less beige.
IT'S DAY 300!!! I am very impressed, you have created excellent assets!!!
congratulations on your 300th development day full of creativity! Also the assests in the new update are a dream! I'm looking forward to work with it soon and develop a nice game!
You can be really proud of yourself, I have realized that this is not easy!
Harogat / Mani Oh my goodness thank you! I feel like the assets I make are kinda basic and plain compared to the amazing things I see you creating, but I do what I can! You should be really proud of yourself as well! You're an absolute wizard at creating in RPGiaB!
Day 301 - Console
It's just an Apple IIe mounted in a metal case (the sliders are purely decorative)
Sarah Agree there's something incredibly appealing about yellow/black caution stripes where ever they're used.
And congrats on still going - I was slightly sceptical you'd be able to do an asset everyday for a year. Shows what I know!
Day 302 - Wall Lights
This is my most favorite wall set, nothing says "high tech" like a light built right into the wall.
Day 303 - Floor Lights
Most favorite wall - meet most favorite floor! I really like how the lighting makes the lights look warmer on the floor tiles, really gives it that "these lights don't work that well" feeling.
Day 304 - Ceiling Lights
And finally a ceiling to top it all off (pun intended)
Day 305 - Window
I love fiddly impractical windows, this one is super tall and is split into three tiles, but look how cool it is!
Day 306 - Large Pipes
More rusty pipes! These are large!
Day 307 - Crate 01
I love this model, such a great example of how using the group feature with marching cubes can add detail.