- Edited
Sarah Agree there's something incredibly appealing about yellow/black caution stripes where ever they're used.
And congrats on still going - I was slightly sceptical you'd be able to do an asset everyday for a year. Shows what I know!
Sarah Agree there's something incredibly appealing about yellow/black caution stripes where ever they're used.
And congrats on still going - I was slightly sceptical you'd be able to do an asset everyday for a year. Shows what I know!
Day 302 - Wall Lights
This is my most favorite wall set, nothing says "high tech" like a light built right into the wall.
Day 303 - Floor Lights
Most favorite wall - meet most favorite floor! I really like how the lighting makes the lights look warmer on the floor tiles, really gives it that "these lights don't work that well" feeling.
Day 304 - Ceiling Lights
And finally a ceiling to top it all off (pun intended)
Day 305 - Window
I love fiddly impractical windows, this one is super tall and is split into three tiles, but look how cool it is!
Day 306 - Large Pipes
More rusty pipes! These are large!
Day 307 - Crate 01
I love this model, such a great example of how using the group feature with marching cubes can add detail.
Day 308 - Reactor
It still seems to be working...
Day 309 - Barrel
You just know that thing is going to explode if you shoot it...
I’ve always wondered why they explode
Day 310 - Warehouse Wall
I'm really happy with how this wall set turned out. It had Justin going through Doom textures to find what it reminded him of so I consider that a success.
Day 311 - Stairs
I replaced the glass stairs from the previous set with some rusty metal bars.
Day 312 - Warehouse Floor
A set of three matching warehouse floor tiles - plain, light, and rusty old grate.
Day 313 - Canister
Is it ammo? Is it battery? Is it a lil health boost? What could it be?
Day 314 - Warehouse Door
Did I say the other door was my favorite? Because I think it's this one. Look how big and slidey it is!
Day 315 - Pillar
See subject screenshot - a subtly shining spooky scifi structural support.
Day 316 - Cube 01
Why is this cube so fancy? Does it do anything or just look cool?
Day 317 - Pillar 02
Some sort of wall-ish pillar-y decorative column-y thing?
Idea for December, Christmas or some kind of snowy thing.
Day 318 - Slanted Warehouse Wall
Nice little wall set to add some detail to the top of the warehouse walls.