Day 12 - Straw Roof Corner and Beam
Getting tired of straw roofs yet? I'm not, lol. Today we have a straw roof corner and a beam to place on top of the roof to make the peak look a little nicer. The beige rectangle coming out of the bottom of the beam is to make placement easy in the map editor, since attached objects don't show in the map editor, and can't be seen in game.

Day 13 - Steep Tile Roof and Beam
Today tile is catching up to straw with some steep roof tiles and a top beam of its own. Final day of roof tiles for now, I promise!

Day 14 - Stone Lantern 03
Another stone lantern for today, this one has wooden latticework and comes in both new and old variants.

Day 17 - Kotatsu
There's nothing better than a warm kotatsu on a cold winter day.

Thank you both so much! Never give up on a voxel model - the process (for me at least!) is very iterative. Usually my first few passes look like they were made by a toddler using Mega Bloks - but I just have to keep refining, adding/deleting/moving voxels around, and finally adding color details and usually a very low strength noise texture once I'm happy with the shape.

Toddler Mega Bloks or the big kid Mega Bloks?

    because i play with big kid Mega Bloks, Mega Construx, and Mega.

    Day 18 - Tea Set 01
    Something to go on your kotatsu and help you warm up on a cold day - a tea set! Though I would argue that tea is great for any day of the year.

    Day 19 - Bonsai Planter 01
    I thought it would be fun to make a stone planter with an attach point to which you can attach any tree you like and make it a bonsai tree - by default it's set up to use the black pine model I previously shared.

    Day 20 - Paper Lanterns 01 & 02
    A nice set of paper lanterns in two sizes to bring some light to dark places. These objects are a light source with one attached object (the hanger).

    for some reason when the picture was loading in it looked like pineapple for a second.

    Day 21 - Japanese Maple
    I started to write that this is a tree that I love and then realized that I probably just love all trees? It's red though, which is my favorite color - so it gets bonus points. 31x31x24 object.

    Day 22 - Bonsai Planter 02
    A fancy planter for a fancy tree (but you can attach any tree you want). Object, 16x16x16 voxels with one attachment.

    Day 23 - Floor Lamp 01
    Simple wooden floor lamp. Object, light source, 15x15x24 voxels.