- Edited
The morning was chilly.
Most knights were still sleeping and the few silhouettes moving in the morning fog were those of the squires, preparing the hastily put up tent village for their masters.
The last week of the big Telebrian spring tournament, this year held in the kingdom of Namaria, had begun. Many of the knights, who had lost their challenges in the previous days, and some of the nobles had already departed.
So far, Erion's master, Sir Jordovon, had prevailed against all of his opponents. But now, the other squires and knights where whispering to each other. Because yesterday during the festivities, Jordovon succumbed to an enemy no one anticipated: His own body.
I wanted to start a creative project with my 11-years-old son and so I thought: Why not create a game? It combines art, writing, programming essentials, and of course game design.
It is mostly a traditional jRPG without any overly original or groundbreaking ideas. It combines some western light RPG elements with inventory puzzles of traditional adventure games and tactical turn-based combat without losing the essence of a jRPG.
- more or less a jRPG with some western influences
- own tactical turn-based combat system
- lightweight custom RPG-system (no dice rolling and no numeric skills)
- Based on an original story and original universe - combining classic (Tolkienesque) fantasy with Liechtensteinian folklore
- meant for an age rating like ESRB "E10+" (Everyone 10 and older)