Speaking of a quest log: I refined how our quest log works. Generally, it is kept in the form of a book the main character carries with him. Each double page is meant as the log for one quest.

And, of course, every time the player gets new information, it is added to that quest's page. It is written from the point of view of Erion himself, adding a bit of character to the log.
Once the quest is fulfilled, the quest-page is removed from the log. So you only cycle through active quests.
I also removed all of the visible buttons and opted for a simpler interface: When there are multiple quests, a click on the right half of the book gets the next quest and a click on the left side gets you the previous quest.
Clicking outside the book (or pressing ESC) closes the book.
And just for the quests, I made it so when you click on the previous page on your first quest, it goes all the way back to your last quest, And vice versa.
Additionally, there is also sort of a personal journal that the main character writes, adding a bit of background and lore.

New journal entries will be written every time a major plot point happens. I still need to get a feeling, how often that should be.
Unlike the questlog, that can be directly access via the small button on the bottom left of the main screen (or by pressing Q or L), the journal is only accessible via the inventory:

I'm also thinking of addin maybe a log of past quests or some notes about the current location you're in.