Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:
Grid movement, when I switch to FM it also happens. I suspect it's monsters/NPC related
Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
Randomly some of my maps will flood the console with the below error and FPS will drop:
SCRIPT ERROR: process_movement: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://character.gde:1340
UPDATE: Upon saving, this error shows. Issue occurs after loading but I noticed this during my investigation as well
ERROR: Node::get_path_to: Condition ' !common_parent ' is true. returned: NodePath()
At: scene\main\node.cpp:1621
This only happened very rarely before 1.2, in which it would go away if I left the map and went back in. Now the map loads good the first time, then gets these errors and major FPS drop everytime after and never fixes itself.
Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
SCRIPT ERROR: process_movement: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://character.gde:1340

Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:
- Create a barebones project
- Create 2 maps with some NPC's on it
- add spawns to both maps using the built in spawn system (the issue doesn't occur otherwise)
- Start the game, go between both maps and allow some spawns to appear
- save the game
- Load the game
- Change maps, and the error floods the console
Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):