♤|SODA|♤ It would make it so you can include more in one script.
Like when you go to use an item, you could say something like
get self.id
if self.id == "health_potion" then
heal_entity(player, 10);
elseif self.id == "speed_potion" then
set_movement_speed(player, 40);
So this script would get the item ID of the item you're trying to use and if the item ID matches the Id of a health potion heal the player for 10. If it doesnt move to the next item in the list and so on.
The biggest benefit is that you dont have to have a new script for every different item in your game.
You could just make one script for using an item and then define every item inside that script instead of having so many scripts that you kinda lose track a bit.
Just something that would help stream line the game development and at least keep me more organized. 🙂