
Free movement. Is that my issue?

And thank you for all your tutorials btw, really helpful.

Edit: I should probably add, if I make a 6x6x6 model in a 6x6x6 grid (no empty space) then I can interact fine with both free move and grid move. But for some reason the empty space is causing me issues and I'm not sure if I have done something to cause this - as I'm assuming this is not the intended way it should work.

    In free movement, from what I remember I tested, the interactable object needs to be present in the middle third of the player character doing the interaction.

    So if your player model is six voxel high, it doesn't register an interactable object in front of it, if it is 2 voxels or lower, or 4 voxels and higher. Not sure why, just know it does. Probably a thing that will be changed at some point.

      MidDrift89 In case it's helpful to troubleshoot the issue, you can enable a collision debug mode via Editor Settings -> Quick Play -> Collision Debugging. The blue lines show collision boxes, and there will be a yellow line going outward/downward from the player. This is used to check for interaction and will turn red when colliding with something.

        Justin that's good to know about the lines, and what they mean.
        Didn't know that about the yellow line.

        So, what governs where the yellow line appears on a player model?
        is it always the half way point of the model size, ie center?

          Slayer Off the top of my head, I believe it's tied to the player's vision height, and in first-person mode it just points directly forward from the center of the camera.

          Thank you for you insights. I'll adjust my game accordingly. My models are probably just too small then. 🙂

          Thanks for the heads up. I'll do some testing and get more familiar with the systems, and adjust accordingly. 🙂

            MidDrift89 No problem! 🙂 If you haven't tried this yet, you could create custom collision shapes in the Voxel Editor that are larger than the models, and they should be easier to interact with in-game.

              Justin Just a quick question out of curiosity.
              What's the shorter yellow lines coming out horizontally from the mid section of the player model for, if anything?

                Slayer Those are the raycasts that are used for climbing in free movement, which determine if the player can grab onto a climbable tile. Those correspond to the "free_climb..." settings in the experimental game config section.