Day 191 - Door 01
Like the door from yesterday, but wider, not quite wide, but not narrow either. It's Door 01.
Day 191 - Door 01
Like the door from yesterday, but wider, not quite wide, but not narrow either. It's Door 01.
Day 192 - Wide Door 01
The final door in a very Goldilocks set of doors - the wide door! Had to get a little creative with this one due to the size, it's two separate objects that overlap a bit in the center due to marching cube shenanigans.
Day 193 - Scifi wall 02
Some kinda futuristic wall, it's curved and translucent, so you know it's technologically advanced. Modular - 3 tiles for mix and match fun.
Day 194 - Scifi wall 03
A set of basic, boring, straight, flat walls, because sometimes those are necessary.
Day 195 - Grate
Today's model is just grate. Animated so you can make people crawl through ductwork.
Day 196 - Chair
Retro-futuristic chair for a retro-futuristic spaceship - now with more beige!
Day 197 - Control Panel
More lights and panels - now with 50% more buttons!
Day 198 - Panel Ceiling/Floor
A multipurpose mix and match set of seven tiles to make either ceilings or floors in a metal panel style.
Day 199 - Wall Monitor
Two tiles, left and right, that go together to create a very futuristic and not at all retro wall monitor.
Day 200 - Scifi floor 02
200 days.... only 166 more to go... I dunno if I can make it... Here's some paneled flooring.
Everything here is so beautiful. Are all of these made with the in-game voxel editor or something else?
Day 201 - Pipelines
Where do they come from, where do they go, what are they transporting? I don't know.
Day 202 - Door 02
A more standard looking, manually operated door. Animated.
Day 203 - Caution Floor
Technically not a floor, but an object meant to be placed on it, the caution floor border.
Day 204 - Security Camera
As suggested by Patreon member Jasper - a security camera!
Day 205 - Keypad
A numerical keypad to add some extra security to your scif-fi builds.
Day 206 - Console
Another control panel - this one has a screen and keyboard!
Day 207 - Ceiling Lights
It occurred to me that I've made exactly zero lights for this set so far, so I made some ceiling lights!