i liked the inn thing uploading and downloading is good for people who wanna use it so that's good
bit of feedback
low ploy objs and sprite model types still lack things (not having things or options inline with the voxel modelling eg attachment points, filling ,selecting, no HP, MP, attack defence values or default equipment) if anything over then voxel is being used as a character
no clue why this things are being added when they aren't being included or at the very lest being held back until there in line with everything else
as much as i like this engine despite what people think of me (since apparently some community members thinks its ok to bully me for having an opinion or giving feedback over the last year or so) i hope things start going in the direction of if x thing is coming x thing gets done fully to the point of being inline with everything else that's in the engine to make it shine
since over then the few bug fix patches we get a lot of things in the engine are stuff unpolished, unfinished, and it starting to make the engine look messy