• Added initial implementation of day/night system (enabled on "Day/Night" gameplay tab in Game Configuration dialog, with settings for cycle duration and lighting presets)
  • Added "Use Day/Night Cycle" setting on the Map Properties panel of the Map Editor to indicate whether or not the map should use day/night lighting or its own
  • Added "global.time" property to the Bauxite scripting language to get the current time (value will be between 0 and the configured day/night duration in seconds)
  • Fixed issue where some settings in the Game Configuration dialog's Gameplay section were not being disabled when using the default built-in preset
  • Documentation: Updated "Combat Editor", "Combat Systems", and "Dialogue Editor" built-in docs to bring everything up to date with the latest functionality
  • Documentation: Updated "Attach Points" built-in docs to include a scripting example of how to reference an object attached to an entity