New Features
- Added experimental "Mesh-Based" option when creating a new object or character in the Voxel Editor from the "New Resource" dialog (Blockbench .bbmodel files can imported via "Import from External Format")
- Added "Blockbench (.bbmodel)" as a source file option when importing from an external format into the Voxel Editor (available when the model is created as "Mesh-Based", animations not officially supported yet)
- Added experimental "Sprite-Based" option when creating a new object or character in the Voxel Editor (models are entirely sprite-based, images are assigned from the Model Properties tab)
- Added the ability to assign sound effects per animation frame in the Voxel Editor that will play when the frame is shown (configurable from the sound icon button on the animation toolbar)
- Added "Event Schedule" functionality for tying scripts to specific times of the day/night cycle, set up on a per map basis from the Map Properties tab (e.g. to schedule an NPC to move to different locations throughout the day)
- Added camera boundaries functionality for defining the outer limits for the camera, e.g. to stop scrolling once the edge of a map is reached and prevent the void from being seen (configurable from the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor)
- Added "Facing Player" as an option to the "Camera Orientation" setting in the Map Editor, which will start the map with the camera facing towards the front of the player (initially only supported in grid-based movement)
- Added "Visual Override Only" checkbox to supplement the "Player Override" Map Editor setting (toggle off for a unique character with its own stats, properties, etc.)
- Added initial "zone" functionality to maps (free movement only), with the ability to create passable and impassable zones from the Map Properties tab (passable zones support "Character Enters" and "Character Exits" scripts, impassable zones support "Character Collides" script, "initiator" contains triggering character)
- Added "Add Zone" scripting function for adding a zone to the current map, with parameters for zone name, passability, position, width, depth, and height (e.g. add_zone("toxic_zone", true, coord[0, 0, 0], 64, 64, 16))
- Added "Disable Zone" scripting function for disabling a zone (e.g. disable_zone("zone_name") - scripts for disabled zones won't trigger and disabled impassable zones won't block the player)
- Added "Enable Zone" scripting function for enabling a zone that was previously disabled via the "Disable Zone" function (e.g. enable_zone("zone_name"))
- Added "Remove Zone" scripting function for removing a zone from the map (e.g. remove_zone("zone_name"))
- Added "Set Zone Script" scripting function for modifying a zone's script, with trigger options of CHARACTER_ENTER and CHARACTER_EXIT for passable zones and CHARACTER_COLLIDE for impassable zones (e.g. set_zone_script("zone_name", "zone_enter_script", CHARACTER_ENTER))
- Added "Display Zones" button to the Map Editor toolbar for toggling the display of zones (can also be hidden along with other extras while holding the Backtick (`) key, or Shift + Backtick key to toggle all of them off)
- Added support for tank controls to the free movement system (selectable from the Game Configuration dialog under Settings -> Gameplay -> Mechanics -> Player Movement)
- Added "Air Control" functionality to the free movement system (adjustable from the Game Configuration dialog under Settings -> Gameplay -> Physics -> Air Control, or scripted (see "Set Gameplay Property" function))
- Added initial support for climbing to the free movement system (should be considered experimental for now, more settings for tweaking behavior will be coming in later releases)
- Added "Climb Up" and "Climb Down" actions to the "Available Actions" dialog shown when changing an input binding from the Game Configuration dialog (can be used in place of "Move Up" and "Move Down" for side-scrolling games to allow the player to climb ladders they're standing in front of)
- Added several settings to the "Experimental" section of the Game Configuration dialog for tweaking how collision detection is handled when the player is near a climbable tile
- Added initial support for moving platforms to the free movement system (should be considered experimental for now, more settings for tweaking behavior will be coming in later releases)
- Added "Jump Count" functionality to the free movement system for defining how many times the player can jump before resetting (adjustable from the Game Configuration dialog under Settings -> Gameplay -> Physics -> Jump Count)
- Added "Movement System" option for configuring the default movement system for your game (free movement vs. grid movement, accessible from the Game Configuration dialog under Settings -> Gameplay -> Mechanics -> Movement System)
- Added "Movement System" option to the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor for overriding the movement system on a per map basis ("Global Default" option will use the movement system set in the Game Configuration dialog)
- Added initial support for the "Change Player" scripting function to the free movement system so that the main player character can be swapped out for party members or NPCS within the map
- Added support for the "Speed Multiplier" tile setting to the free movement system (adjustable from the Model Properties tab in the Voxel Editor)
- Added "Physics" setting for objects to the Entity Properties tab in the Map Editor and Model Properties tab in the Voxel Editor (experimental feature that gives an object physics so it can be moved around by the player if free movement is used)
- Added "Thingies" section to the Entity Properties tab of the Map Editor for the new "Item Pickup", "Door", "Conveyor", and "Turret" mechanics (will be moving other existing mechanics here like "Item Container", "Pushable", "Vehicle", etc.)
- Added "Item Pickup" mechanic to the Entity Properties tab of the Map Editor for the new "Thingy" system, allowing an object to be easily configured as an item pickup (supported in both grid movement and free movement)
- Added "Door" mechanic to the Entity Properties tab of the Map Editor for the new "Thingy" system, allowing an object to be easily configured as a door (only supported in free movement at this time)
- Added "Conveyor" mechanic to the Entity Properties tab of the Map Editor for the new "Thingy" system, allowing tiles to act as conveyors and move any characters or pushable objects on them (supported in both grid movement and free movement)
- Added "Turret" mechanic to the Entity Properties of the Map Editor for the new "Thingy" system, allowing tiles, objects, and characters to act as turrets (supported in both grid movement and free movement)
- Added "<character>.equipment" Bauxite syntax for getting a codex containing a character's equipment from a script, where the keys are the equipment slot IDs (e.g.["right_hand"))
- Added "<character>.get_item_count(<item_id>)" Bauxite function to get the total count of a specific item in a character's inventory (e.g. player.get_item_count("ITEM_0001"))
- Added constants to Bauxite for the four ordinal directions (NORTHWEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHWEST, and SOUTHEAST, in preparation for future functionality)
- Added "Ordinal Direction" as an option to the Expression Builder in the Script Editor, providing the ability to quickly insert one of the four ordinal directions (in preparation for future functionality)
- Added optional second parameter to the "Show Widget" and "Hide Widget" scripting functions for fading the widget in/out over a duration of time in seconds
- Added visual node for the "Change Player" function to the Script Editor (for changing the active player to a party member or a character within the current map)
- Added "Set Map Background" scripting function for changing the current map's background (e.g. set_map_background(COLOR, color[0, 0, 0], set_map_background(PROCEDURAL_SKY), set_map_background(PANORAMA_SKY, "sky.png"))
- Added "Stop Animation" scripting function for stopping any animation that's currently playing for an entity, leaving it on its last played frame (e.g. stop_animation(entity["windmill"]))
- Added "Fire Projectile" scripting function for firing from a source entity towards a target using an item set up as a projectile in the Item Editor (e.g. fire_projectile("ITEM_0001", entity["source"], player, "projectile_id"))
- Added "Enable Turret" scripting function for enabling a turret that's currently disabled (e.g. enable_turret(entity["turret_01"]))
- Added "Disable Turret" scripting function for disabling a turret that's currently enabled (e.g. disable_turret(entity["turret_01"]))
- Added "Enable Conveyor" scripting function for enabling a group of conveyor tiles that's currently disabled (e.g. enable_conveyor("conveyor_group_01"))
- Added "Disable Conveyor" scripting function for disabling a group of conveyor tiles that's currently enabled (e.g. disable_conveyor("conveyor_group_01"))
- Added "Set Conveyor Speed" scripting function for modifying the speed (in voxels per second) of a group of conveyor tiles, with optional third parameter to also change the animation's speed (e.g. set_conveyor_speed("conveyor_group_01", 10, true))
- Added "Set Conveyor Reversed" scripting function for reversing the direction of a group of conveyor tiles, with optional third parameter to also change the animation's direction (e.g. set_conveyor_reversed("conveyor_group_01", true, true))
- Added "Perform Action" scripting function for emulating the player performing an input action, like moving or attacking, with an optional second parameter for emulating a hold/release (e.g. perform_action("attack") to attack, or perform_action("move_up", true) to hold down the "Move Up" action)
- Added "Override Action" scripting function for overriding an input binding action with another action (e.g. override_action("jump", "attack") - player will attack instead of jump when pressing the input bound to "jump")
- Added "Reset Action" scripting function for reverting an input binding action that was previously overridden via the "Override Action" function (e.g. reset_action("jump"))
- Added "Set Gameplay Property" scripting function for modifying a gameplay setting (currently only the following property names are supported: "movement_control_type", "gravity", "air_control", "jump_enabled", "jump_vertical_velocity", "jump_count", e.g. set_gameplay_property("jump_count", 2))
- Added "Enemy" as a target option for skills in the Stats Editor (when using a script as an effect, the $target variable will contain the chosen enemy)
- Added "All Enemies" as a target option for skills in the Stats Editor (when using a script as an effect, the $target variable will contain an array of all enemies in the battle/map)
- Added "Party Member" as a target option for skills in the Stats Editor (when using a script as an effect, the $target variable will contain the chosen member)
- Added "Stat Required" setting for skills in the Stats Editor that requires a stat to be consumed in order for the skill to be used (e.g. "mp" for a magic spell)
- Added initial implementation of skill tooltips (when hovering over a skill slot in-game, a tooltip with the skill's name and description will now display)
- Added "Combat", "Physical", and "Social" built-in categories (in addition to the existing "Magic" category) for skills in the Stats Editor (in preparation for future functionality)
- Added "Apply Status Effect" as an option to the "Skill Effects" dialog when adding an effect to a skill in the Stats Editor (applies a status effect to the target)
- Added "Remove Status Effect" as an option to the "Skill Effects" dialog when adding an effect to a skill in the Stats Editor (removes a status effect from the target)
- Added "Clear Status Effects" as an option to the "Skill Effects" dialog when adding an effect to a skill in the Stats Editor (clears all status effects from the target)
- Added "Summon Character" as an option to the "Skill Effects" dialog when adding an effect to a skill in the Stats Editor (summons a character to the player's team, real-time only for now, with more functionality to come in future releases)
- Added "Play Sound" as an option to the "Skill Effects" dialog when adding an effect to a skill in the Stats Editor (plays the specified sound effect)
- Added "Stun" as a new status effect type in the Stats Editor (selectable from the "Effect Type" dropdown, prevents the affected character from moving or attacking)
- Added "Visual Effect" setting for status effects in the Stats Editor for assigning particle effects to them, which will be attached to the target character if they have an attach point named "status" (with option to customize the attach point ID used per status effect)
- Added "<character>.statuses" Bauxite syntax for getting the status effects for a character (e.g. player.statuses, value is a codex where each key is a status ID and its value is a codex of that status effect's properties)
- Added "Set Stat" scripting function for changing a character's stat to a specific value, third parameter is optional and defaults to "player" (e.g. set_stat("max_hp", 100, player))
- Added "Increase Stat" scripting function for increasing a character's stat by a specific amount, third parameter is optional and defaults to "player" (e.g. increase_stat("attack", 5, player))
- Added "Decrease Stat" scripting function for decreasing a character's stat by a specific amount, third parameter is optional and defaults to "player" (e.g. decrease_stat("defense", 5, player))
- Added ability to set a maximum value for the "max_mp" stat (i.e. maximum magic points) in the "Character Stats" section of the Stats Editor (in preparation for future functionality)
- Added "Magic (MP)" setting to the Model Properties tab of the Voxel Editor for setting the initial MP stat for characters (determines their initial "mp" and "max_mp" stats)
- Added ability to include custom currencies in loot drops in the Combat Editor (the "Add Currency" button will now display a popup menu of all available currencies)
- Added "Give Currency" scripting function for giving currency to a character (e.g. give_currency(100, "gems", player) - second and third parameters are optional and default to the base "currency" and "player", respectively)
- Added "Remove Currency" scripting function for removing currency from a character (e.g. remove_currency(100, "gems", player) - second and third parameters are optional and default to the base "currency" and "player", respectively)
- Added "Pre-Battle Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran before the first round of combat during battles - $battle_name string variable and $characters array variable are available)
- Added "Post-Battle Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran at the end of a battle before returning to normal gameplay and any victory/defeat scripts are executed - $battle_name string variable and $characters array variable available)
- Added "Pre-Round Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran at the start of each round of a battle - $battle_name string variable, $characters array variable, and $round number variable are available)
- Added "Post-Round Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran at the end of each round of a battle - $battle_name string variable, $characters array variable, and $round number variable are available)
- Added "Pre-Turn Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran at the start of each character's turn during a battle, with the "self" built-in variable referencing the current character and $battle_name, $characters, and $round variables available)
- Added "Post-Turn Script" to the general section of the Combat Editor (ran at the end of each character's turn during a battle, with the "self" built-in variable referencing the current character and $battle_name, $characters, and $round variables available)
- Added support for free attacking to the grid-based movement system so that the player can freely attack at any time instead of needing to directly interact, similar to free movement (Ctrl key by default, can be changed in the project's input bindings)
- Added "Projectile" toggle option to the Item Editor for indicating that the item is a projectile (for use with the "Fire Projectile" function and turrets - with settings for damage, speed, range, on hit script, and sound effect)
- Added "Sound Effect" setting for items configured as weapons in the Item Editor (automatically plays when a character attacks with the weapon equipped)
- Added support to melee weapons for the "Ammo/Energy Required" setting so they will now support options beyond unlimited use (i.e. single use, items by ID, and items by tag)
- Added "Character Stat" as an option for the "Ammo/Energy Required" setting in the Item Editor, requiring a weapon to consume a stat of the character that's using it
- Added the ability to set an initial stack count for a character's default equipment in the Voxel Editor (for when a weapon item is stackable, e.g. throwing daggers)
- Added ability to retrieve an array of items contained within an entity (if the entity is an object configured as an item container) using the "<entity>.inventory" Bauxite syntax
- Added "erase" array function to Bauxite for erasing a specific value from an array (e.g. $my_array.erase(entity["xyz"]) removes the first occurrence of entity["xyz"])
- Added "<character>.team" Bauxite syntax for retrieving or changing the team of a character, with supported values of "player", "enemy", and null (only affects characters with "Attackable in Real-Time" enabled, additional functionality around this coming in future updates)
- Added "<entity>.animation" Bauxite syntax for retrieving the name of the animation currently playing for an entity (value will be null if no animation is playing)
- Added "Show Options" scripting function for displaying the in-game options menu with control, video, and audio settings (e.g. show_options())
- Added "party" Bauxite variable for referencing the player's party as a codex with a key for each member ID and the corresponding value a reference to the character (can use as a shorthand for party.member["member_id"], e.g. party["member_id"])
- Added "<entity>.position" Bauxite syntax for retrieving the absolute position of an entity (as opposed to its tile coordinate, e.g. to use "Add Effect" to add an effect at the feet of a moving character or at a projectile's location)
- Added "Set Entity Direction" scripting function for changing the direction of an entity to a specific cardinal direction (e.g. set_entity_direction(player, NORTH))
- Added "Set Entity Offset" scripting function for changing the X/Y/Z offset of an object, with optional fifth parameter for changing it over a duration of time (e.g. set_entity_offset(entity["tree_01"], 4, 4, 0))
- Added "Set Entity Rotation" scripting function for changing the X/Y/Z rotation of an object or Z rotation of a character, with optional fifth parameter for changing it over a duration of time (e.g. set_entity_rotation(entity["boulder_01"], 10, 10, 45))
- Added "Interact With Entity" scripting function for triggering a character to remotely interact with an object or character, second parameter is optional and defaults to "player" (e.g. interact_with_entity(entity["storage_chest"], player))
- Added "<character>.vehicle" Bauxite syntax for retrieving the vehicle object that a character is currently in (value will be null if they aren't in a vehicle)
- Added $item variable for scripts assigned to usable/consumable items, which contains the full item codex (e.g. to check a particular property of the item being used)
- Added ability to override the default built-in widgets for the inventory, equipment, quick slot bar, and skill bar (set from the "star" button on the Widget Editor toolbar)
- Added ability to edit widget element IDs using the pencil button located on the Element Properties tab when an element is selected in the Widget Editor
- Added "Video" as an available element type in the Widget Editor (with settings for which video to play and an optional still image to show before being triggered to play)
- Added "Target (Valid)" and "Target (Invalid)" predefined cursor types to "Cursors" section of the Game Configuration dialog (used by the "Request Entity" scripting function and the "Summon Character" skill effect)
- Added "Enable Screen Effect" scripting functions for enabling the VHS/CRT monitor effect via script, with optional fade length (e.g. enable_screen_effect(2))
- Added "Disable Screen Effect" scripting functions for disabling the VHS/CRT monitor effect via script, with optional fade length (e.g. disable_screen_effect(2))
- Added "Set Screen Effect Property" scripting function for modifying a property of the VHS/CRT monitor effect via script (e.g. saturation, chromatic aberration, etc., with optional fade length - see documentation for a list of properties that can be changed)
- Added support for the "Locked Axes" camera settings (i.e. locking the camera's X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis movement) to the grid-based movement system
- Added "Camera Preset" functionality for storing and switching between multiple camera presets from the Game Configuration dialog (accessed from Game Configuration -> Settings -> Gameplay -> Camera)
- Added ability to override the camera setup on a per map basis using the "Camera Override" setting on the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor (will now list any custom camera presets defined in the Game Configuration dialog)
- Added "Shake Screen" scripting function for shaking the screen over a duration of time, with customization and other options to come in the future (e.g. shake_screen(2) - not currently compatible with the VHS/CRT monitor effect)
- Added "First-Person Magic Shooter" project template to the "Create a New Game" dialog (includes bare bones mechanics to help get started with creating an FPS, will be expanded in future releases)
- Added "Recent Files" button to the Voxel Editor, Map Editor, Dialogue Editor, Script Editor, and Effect Editor toolbars as a way to access recently opened files
- Added ability to clear recent files for an editor from the list shown when nothing is opened in the editor (or all recent files for the project if "Show All Types" is checked)
- Added "Exclude Background from Captures" setting for the Map Editor to determine if the background should be removed (i.e. transparent) when capturing an image of the map
- Added "zoom" debug console command that will display the camera's current zoom value (useful for determining the minimum and maximum zoom values for a standard/third-person game)
- Added built-in "Skill Bar" widget to the list of widgets in the Widget Editor (allowing the default skill bar to be viewed or to be duplicated to create a custom widget)
- Updated the default skill bar to now contain five skill slots instead of the previous three (if desired, the default skill bar can now be overridden with a custom widget)
- Updated skill functionality for tactical-turn based combat so the skill bar will show for a party member during their turn if enabled, otherwise the "Use Skill" control will be displayed in the bottom right corner
- Updated skill bar functionality so that a skill slot's cooldown is now properly set when a skill is manually triggered from a script via the "Use Skill" scripting function
- Updated skills so they are now automatically added to first open slot on the character's skill bar when given via "Give Skill", or removed from the skill bar when the skill is removed via "Remove Skill"
- Updated some behind the scenes functionality for the skill bar and quick slot bar so that unique instances are now maintained per character (should generally be more reliable when switching between characters)
- Updated projectile functionality in the grid-based movement system so they will no longer lock onto their target and can now be dodged
- Updated "On Hit Script" functionality for ranged weapons to now also trigger when hitting tiles, objects, and non-attackable characters (in addition to attackable characters)
- Updated free attacking functionality (default of left mouse button in free movement and Ctrl key in grid movement) so that the character will no longer play their attack animation if their weapon uses ammo and they have none
- Updated collision logic in free movement to have a slight cooldown when colliding with impassable objects and characters in order to prevent rapid continual triggering of any assigned collision scripts (customization around this to come in a future release)
- Updated jump vertical velocity setting to allow a higher precision for its value (can now be defined up to the hundredths place, set from Game Configuration -> Settings -> Gameplay -> Physics -> Jumping -> Vertical Velocity)
- Updated Map Editor's "Background Type" functionality so that each option's settings are maintained when switching between procedural sky and panorama sky
- Updated "Fog" option in the Map Editor to remember the previously used settings when toggling it off then back on from the Map Properties tab (instead of reverting to the defaults)
- Updated "Fog" option in the Map Editor to no longer automatically pop up the settings dialog when enabling it from the Map Properties tab
- Updated "Saturation" setting for the VHS/CRT monitor effect in the Map Editor to allow a maximum value of 10 and a minimum value of -10 (negative values will cause colors to invert)
- Updated the day/night system so that it's always enabled, allowing the "global.time" variable to be accessible from scripts even without any day/night lighting presets assigned (a full day/night cycle is 600 seconds by default)
- Updated X/Y/Z offset properties for attach points in the Voxel Editor to allow more precision (values can now be defined up to the hundredths place)
- Updated scale settings for entities and attach points to allow more precision (values can now be defined up to the hundredths place)
- Updated attach point functionality so that objects being attached to other models no longer need any attach points defined (if none exist, it will default to position (0, 0, 0))
- Increased maximum scale limit for models and attach points to 4 from the previous limit of 2
- Updated collision functionality for empty objects and characters (i.e. no voxels) so that collision boxes will now be created in free movement if custom collision shapes are defined for the model
- Updated some logic for empty models (i.e. no voxels) so that they no longer need to be removed and replaced on maps for certain model properties to be carried over
- Updated choice functionality in the dialogue system to support shortcut keys 6 through 9 (in addition to the existing 1 through 5) to select the corresponding option when the player is presented with choices
- Updated "Execute Script" scripting function to pass any local variables defined in the current script to the script being called even when not pausing (i.e. running in parallel)
- Updated "Play Animation" scripting function to include an optional third parameter to indicate whether or not it should attempt to resume the animation, e.g. when previously stopped via the "Stop Animation" function (defaults to false)
- Updated "Play Group Animation" scripting function to include an optional third parameter to indicate whether or not it should attempt to resume the animation, e.g. when previously stopped via the "Stop Animation" function (defaults to false)
- Updated "Add Effect" scripting function to return the newly added effect so it can be referenced later without needing an entity ID (similar to "Add Character", "Add Tile", etc.)
- Added ability to set the Z rotation of characters from a script using the "<character>.rotation_z" syntax and to retrieve the X/Y/Z rotation of a character using the "<character>.rotation" syntax
- Updated "Set Entity Light Attenuation", "Set Entity Light Diameter", and "Set Entity Light Intensity" scripting functions to allow variables for the optional duration parameter instead of requiring a literal numeric value
- Updated "Move Character" script node so that the optional "pause" parameter can be specified via checkbox when creating a script visually in the Script Editor
- Increased maximum dimensions for particle size in the Effect Editor to 100x100x100 for the cube shape and 100x100 for the sphere and billboard shapes
- Replaced the default damage sound effect with a similar, but less jarring, sound effect (played whenever a character takes damage during combat or from a script)
- Updated inventory storage slot functionality so that items given to a character will now fill the available storage slots in order of element ID
- Updated icon for the moving platform functionality in the Map Editor to be less ambiguous as to the mechanic it's meant to represent
- Removed "Free Movement" disclaimer dialog that would display whenever enabling free movement for a map from the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor
- Removed "Free Movement" icon from the "Attack" action on the "Available Actions" dialog shown when changing input bindings as it's no longer limited to free movement
- Updated the dialog for renaming files so that it will now have the current name of the file in the "Name" field by default instead of being blank (currently only applicable to files renamed from the Game Explorer or asset tabs on the right)
- Changed wording of the "Health" label on the Model Properties tab in the Voxel Editor to "Health (HP)" to help indicate which stat it corresponds to and to match the newly added "Magic (MP)" setting
- Updated "Give Skill", "Remove Skill", and "Use Skill" scripting functions in the Script Editor to use the new spell-themed icons instead of the old "jump" icons
- Increased the maximum number of recent items for the editor to 100 (i.e. files shown on the "Recent" tab next to "Favorites", as well as in the "Recent" section that's shown when no files are opened in an editor)
- Changed label text for the "Object Model (Character)" setting in the Item Editor to "Object Model (Standard)" to better represent what the model is used for
- Added missing English translations for the following function descriptions in the Script Editor: EQUIP_ITEM_DESC, UNEQUIP_ITEM_DESC, and USE_ITEM_DESC
- Updated in-game error messages that are displayed in the debug console to now include the name of the script in which they occurred (if applicable, i.e. a standalone script file)
- Updated "Play Sound" scripting function to include the name of the sound in the debug console error message that's displayed when the sound doesn't exist
- Updated "justin" and "base_justin" character models in the built-in Asset Library to include animations for "jump" and "sprint"
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the "Allowed Item Tags" setting for storage slots was not being respected when a character was given items via the "Give Item" scripting function
- Fixed issue where calling the "Play Sound" scripting function with a non-string value for the sound name was not being properly caught and displayed as an error in the debug console
- Fixed issue where tactical turn-based battles would not function properly when attempting to start one using a free movement map (the map will now be switched to grid-based movement)
- Fixed issue where billboard sprites using the "Multi-Directional Sprite" setting were not properly updating in first-person free movement based on the player's position
- Fixed issue where collision boxes weren't being set up properly for objects added to free movement maps via the "Add Object" scripting function
- Fixed issue where the player character was incorrectly rotating in free movement instead of remaining upright when the "Two-Dimensional" setting was enabled
- Fixed issue where objects and effects configured to be automatically attached to a model were not being kept if an attach point was renamed in the Voxel Editor
- Fixed issue where the camera would remain stuck at the player's position when attempting to move it in first-person free movement using one of the "Move Camera" scripting functions
- Fixed issue where the camera's position could become out of sync if the game was restarted while a scripted camera movement was in progress
- Fixed issue where item icon popups resulting from loot drops would move towards the center of the map instead of the player character while in free movement
- Fixed issue where a character's "name" property was not being kept when swapping to another model via the "Set Entity Model" function (as it's meant to be a visual change only)
- Fixed issue where the "Set Player Movement Locked" scripting function was not properly locking the player's movement when used in free movement
- Fixed issue where the player's collision box was not being properly updated in free movement when their scale was changed via script
- Fixed issue where the player's "jump" animation could become stuck in free movement after landing then continuing to hold a movement key if the animation was a looping type
- Fixed issue where item descriptions for shop item slots would be blank or would show an incorrect description and cost when using the default currency without a custom name
- Fixed issue where widget element values were not being automatically updated after a character leveled up from defeating a real-time enemy (e.g. a text label showing the character's level)
- Fixed issue where widget element values were not being automatically updated after the player character received a loot drop from an enemy or via the "Give Loot" scripting function
- Fixed issue where the "Death Sound Effect" setting in the Combat Editor would sometimes be empty for newly created projects instead of showing the "Default" option
- Fixed issue where the maximum value configured for a stat in the Stats Editor was not being respected when the stat was modified in-game
- Fixed issue where an explicit minimum count for a "contains" expression would get dropped from its visual node when manually entered into a Bauxite script
- Fixed issue where some weapon-related fields in the Item Editor were incorrectly showing after toggling off the "Equippable" setting for an item
- Fixed issue where the HP bar was not displaying at the proper height if a character was using the "Billboard Sprite" mesh type along with a non-default scale
- Fixed issue where changing the "rotation_z" property for an object via script was not updating its direction if the object was using the "Billboard Sprite" mesh type
- Fixed issue where quick scripts would sometimes fail to run or the wrong quick script would be triggered after saving a game then reloading
- Fixed issue where enemies defeated during a tactical turn-based battle would inadvertently still be present in the battle map upon returning to it later (if the "Remove Defeated Enemies" setting was disabled)
- Fixed issue where a custom stat could incorrectly bet set to less than zero when using an assignment to change or decrease its value from a script
- Fixed issue where any skills that had been assigned to skill slots on a widget were not being properly restored when loading a saved game
- Fixed issue where the player character was not being properly restored when loading a saved game where they had been swapped with a party member or NPC via "Change Player" (only supported in grid-based movement at this time)
- Fixed issue where values on the Widget Properties tab (on close script, font, and font size) were not updating when switching to a built-in widget in the Widget Editor
- Fixed console error that could occur when renaming a loot drop in the Combat Editor and the "Enemies" list did not have any enemies defined
- Fixed issue where the quick slot bar was not displaying on the management screen (if the quick slot bar was enabled from the Game Configuration's "User Interface" section)
- Fixed issue where clicking the left mouse button to select an entity for the "Request Entity" scripting function could inadvertently cause the player to attack
- Fixed issue where the cursor was not being properly updated after completing the selection of an entity requested by the "Request Entity" scripting function
- Fixed issue where the cursor would sometimes display as valid (i.e. hand icon) when calling "Request Entity" with a validation function even if the entity under the cursor wasn't valid
- Fixed issue where using the "Set Terrain Types" function would cause a script to become stuck afterwards and would not execute any further logic in the script
- Fixed issue where the "Use Skill" scripting function would incorrectly trigger the use of a character's skill even if the skill was still on cooldown
- Updated "Show Widget" and "Hide Widget" built-in docs to include info about the optional parameter for fading the widget in/out
- Updated "Script Syntax" built-in docs to include info about the dice notation in Bauxite for simulating D&D-style dice rolls
- Added initial version of built-in docs for "Message Log" with a description of its usage, as well as information about configuring a timeout for messages to be cleared from the log
- Added initial version of built-in docs for "Terrain Mode", which includes a description of its usage with the "Set Terrain Types" function and the possible values
- Updated "Terrain Types" built-in docs to include information about how they're used with pushable objects to limit which tiles they're allowed to be pushed across
- Added initial version of built-in docs for "Stretch Mode" with a description of its usages, as well as a list of possible stretch mode values and explanations for each mode
- Updated "Effect" built-in docs to include information about their usage, as well as a note about enabling "One-Shot" effects
- Updated "Voxel Editor" built-in docs to include information about using the "Alt + Left Mouse Button" control in selection mode to add all voxels of the picked color to the current selection
- Updated "Object" built-in docs to include information for the "offset", "offset_x", "offset_y", "offset_z", "rotation", "rotation_x", "rotation_y", and "rotation_z" properties
- Updated "Progress Bar" built-in docs to include some script examples for changing a progress bar's current value and maximum value
- Added "global.gravity" built-in variable to the global variables section of the "Scripting Reference" page with a description of its purpose
- Added "party" built-in variable to the party variables section of the "Scripting Reference" page with a description of its purpose
- Added "camera.type" built-in variable to the camera variables section of the "Scripting Reference" page with a description of its purpose
- Updated "Font" built-in docs to include OpenType (.otf) as a supported font format that can be imported into your game project
- Updated "Combat Editor" built-in docs to bring the "General" section up to date, as well as to include the new battle scripts (Pre-Battle Script, Post-Battle Script, etc.)
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Add Effect", "Enable Effect" and "Disable Effect" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Stop Animation", "Stop Sound", and "Stop Music" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Apply Status Effect", "Remove Status Effect", and "Clear Status Effects" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Attach Effect", "Detach Effect", "Attach Object", and "Detach Object" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Equip Item", "Unequip Item", and "Use Item" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Use Skill", "Give Skill", and "Remove Skill" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Give Quest", "Complete Quest", and "Fail Quest" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Save Data", "Load Data", "Delete Data", "Load Game", "Save Game", and "Delete Save" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Log Message" and "Clear Log" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Ambient Light Intensity" and "Set Directional Light Intensity" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Entity Light Attenuation", "Set Entity Light Diameter", and "Set Entity Light Intensity" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Entity Scale" and "Set Entity Texture" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Create Platform" and "Set Terrain Types" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Change Camera", "Display Image", and "Play Video" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Give Loot", "Open Container", "Remove Item From Container", and "Add Item To Tile" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Entity Direction", "Set Entity Offset", and "Set Entity Rotation" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Stat", "Increase Stat", and "Decrease Stat" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Add Zone", "Remove Zone", "Enable Zone", "Disable Zone", and "Set Zone Script" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Perform Action", "Override Action", and "Reset Action" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Enable Conveyor", "Disable Conveyor", "Set Conveyor Speed", and "Set Conveyor Reversed" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Fire Projectile", "Enable Turret", and "Disable Turret" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Enable Screen Effect", "Disable Screen Effect", and "Set Screen Effect Property" scripting functions
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Set Gameplay Property" scripting function
- Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Get Noise 2D" and "Get Noise 3D" scripting functions
- Updated "Management Screen" built-in docs to reflect that the feature is no longer experimental and the new setting locations for adding custom widgets or disabling it
- Updated "Array" built-in docs to include new "erase" function for removing the first occurrence of a specific value, as well as a Bauxite code example
- Updated "Item Storage Slot" built-in docs to include information about holding down the Control key to pick up only one of an item that's stacked