
  • 5 hours ago
  • Joined Oct 2, 2023
  • Hi Justin.
    Here's the bare bones project as discussed.

    Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?


    If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:

    Grid, TTB

    Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

    A Ranged NPC set to "Two Dimensional" in the model settings will have projectile issues when used in TTB battles.
    In overworld real-time, they will rotate to always face the player and projectiles will fire in the direction of the player, rotated correctly.
    In TTB, they will only use the 2D animation names and not rotate..wich creates issues with the projectile.
    It will spawn at a different spot from the attach point and not rotate to shoot at the player.

    The bare bones project will demonstrate the two examples.

    Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?

    None related I dont think.

    Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

    1. Load the bare bones project

    2. walk left/right to dodge the arrows being fired by the bowman (see how he rotates and the arrows always point at the player)

    3. walk to the bottom of the map and step on the tile with the skulls to trigger a TTB

    4. end your turn diagonally opposed to the bowman and watch him fire his bow. (see how he does not rotate and the arrow is way off)

    NOTE: forgive his walking animations in TTB...I messed up the North/South directions lol

    Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):
  • Justin Yes still happening in a bare bones project.
    Just quick play and use the ingame console to type fire_projectile("ITEM_0001", player).

    Maybe i'm missing something...but it works without error if I then play the same map in FM.

      • Edited

      Here's a fixed items.json.

      I had to remove the stat ammo requirement as part of the fix.
      Let me know if putting it back breaks it again.

      Had to zip it so forum would allow upload.

    • Workaround in the meantime, me and Skattigat came up with a scripted solution.

      Place this script in the Global "On Push" event:

      if player.front_tile.characters != null then
      	replace_navigation(self, 2, 0);
      	put_entity(self, player.front_tile);
      	replace_navigation(self, 0, 2);

      Script Node

      self - Character who the dialogue belongs to (usually NPC)
      initiator - Character who started the dialogue (usually player)

      • Edited


      Passable (Character Enters)

      initiator - Character entering Zone

      Passable (Character Exits)

      initiator - Character exiting Zone

      Passable (Object Enters)

      initiator - Object entering Zone

      Passable (Object Exits)

      initiator - Object exiting Zone

      Impassable (Character Collides)

      initiator - Character colliding with Zone


      Embark Script

      self - Vehicle
      initiator - Character entering vehicle

      Disembark Script

      self - Vehicle
      initiator - Character exiting vehicle


      Locked Script

      self - Door Object
      initiator - Character attempting to open door

      • Edited


      On Open

      self - Container Object
      initiator - Character who opened container

      On Close

      self - Container Object
      initiator - Character who closed container

      • Edited

      Ronin Looking into this, it's not a glitch.

      The script is looking for a free tile in front of the player, but the object being placed is 2x2, so the player is blocking it's placement.

      I suggest looking into the process of making sure the placement of a 2x2 block is sufficiently away from the player so there's room.
      While checking if there's a single tile free in front of the player is sufficient with a 1x1 tile, its not that simple when its 2x2., especially if the object tries to populate the tiles "backwards", ie towards the player.

      • Edited

      Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?


      If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:


      Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

      When setting a sound to a frame of an "idle" animation, it will play on all frames of that animation (or it's double playing).
      So for example, if an idle animation is 2 frames, even though you only set it on frame 1, it will also play on frame 2.

      Not only that, but the rogue idle sound will play even during other animations like "walk" when it's not even the active animation.

      This so far only seems to affect "idle"..."walk" which I also tested seems to work as normal.

      Another note....the rogue idle sound (or it could just be the idle sound) also plays during the Main Menu before loading the first map.

      Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?

      Not related

      Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

      1. Assign a sound to a single frame of a multi frame "idle" animation
      2. Set the animation to a speed where each frame plays slow enough to see whats happening
      3. play the game

      All idle frames should play the sound, and if you walk long enough for the speed of the idle animation to do another frame while you walk, you'll hear the sound again.

      Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):
      • Edited

      Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?

      Voxel Editor

      If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:


      Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

      If you create an animation, or edit an existing one, and set the frame range to reverse ie 3 > 1 the bottom left display which usually says what animation the frames are in will say (none) for those frames when you save and reload the model.

      Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?


      Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

      1. open a character model (base_justin) with animations
      2. edit the idle animation (works with any) and reverse the animation frame range (2 - 1)
      3. Save and reopen the model
      4. Look at the frame display at the bottom left of an idle frame

      Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):

      Can be seen easily by reversing any models animation

      • Edited

      Linko The issue is your pre-load script on the monde map.

      Place "monde1" script on the post-load event instead and it should load up fine.

    • Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?


      If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:


      Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

      Containers that are set to a custom made widget with more slots than the default 10 are not recognised by the game until the container is opened first.
      This affects scripts with commands like add_to_container() which try to fill all the custom slots as it only gives enough items to populate the first 10 slots.

      [Gif of the issue demonstrated using print()]

      Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?


      Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

      1. create a custom widget with 11+ item slots
      2. Place a object on map and make it a container set to the above widget
      3. playtest and print the inventory size of the container
      4. interact with it, and print again

      Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):

      Will provide if necessary

    • Just for shorthand, AP = Attach Point.

      By default, when adding a new attach point to a model, it adds the attach point to a drop down list in the model properties.
      This drop down list is ordered by recently added.

      Something that would be really nice for QoL purposes would be if when you configure an attach point to have a model attached to it using the configuration window, it also automatically makes that AP the active one in the properties list until you close the model or change it by attaching another model the same way or manually using the drop down.


      I use the Configure Panel to attach a model......

      ...and because I added a model to "chest" AP (highlighted in red in above image) also makes it the active one for me in the properties too. (highlighted in red in below image)

      That way I can immediately edit the right one upon closing the Configurator.

      Currently, after adding a model to an attach point, you still have to select the right one from the drop down box first before making any adjustments.
      This has resulted in too many times than I can count I start changing positions/rotations of unrelated attach points because I forgot to select the right one after adding a model.
      My assumption being "i've just attached this needs adjusting....when I edit the numbers im editing this attach point."

      As I say, not a major issue, but a nice QoL change would be if relevant attach points were also automatically selected as the active editable attach point in the list for you so you can immediately alter them straigh after adding a model to it as that is usually what you will most likely want to do next...tweak those values.

      When re-opening a model and not adding any new models to attach points, it works as it currently does.
      Select the one you wish to edit from the list first.

    • it's unlikely it does anything.
      RPG In A Box supporting BB code is a bit of an accident, in the sense that it's not designed to or supposed to, but in some cases it will work.
      For example, [color=#hexcode] can be used to change text color.
      Justin did not add that ability into this software, RPG In A Box just does it because Godot does it.

      But most BB code isn't supported in Godot 3.5, or whichever build RPGiaB is running on, so most don't work at all, or do something unexpected.
      for example, [b] will just make the text smaller instead of bold.
      For that reason I doubt [url] is implemented or works at all, and certainly won't support inengine custom function names or script names as url's.

      These various font commands are a part of Godot 4 so once we're using RPGiaB 2.0 we'll be able to use all the font formattin codes, and that might very possibly include url.

      If you want to make a bit of your text click able to do something...the best thing is to put a unbordered/non-background button between two text labels to give it the appearance of just being text but in reality it's a button.

    • realmsandruins just to clarify, what's not working are the behavior settings found in the combat editor spawn settings.
      Behaviors set directly on a model will still be applied when spawned.

    • Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?


      If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:

      Grid Based

      Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

      fire_projectile does not work when using player as a source entity, while in Grid Mode.
      The same command when in FM will actually fire the projectile.
      In Grid, the below error is shown in the terminal instead.

      Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?

      Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

      1. Create a bare bones project with a player model and a projectile model/item
      2. Play in Grid
      3. Use console to type fire_projectile("ITEM_0001", player)
      4. no projectile will fire...error in terminal
      5. replay in FM
      6. Use console to type fire_projectile("ITEM_0001", player)
      7. projectile will fire.

      Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):

      Will need some time to set one up. Will add later.