
  • 43 minutes ago
  • Joined Jul 17, 2024
  • Hero Quest

    it's a legend about the gaming world
    The Legend of the Three Gods

    Long ago, when the world was still forming, there lived three powerful gods: Seraphis, Equitus, and Malakar. Each of them had their own realm and power. Seraphis, the god of good, spread light, love, and justice. Equitus, the neutral god, maintained balance and harmony among all forces. Malakar, the god of evil, sought chaos and destruction.

    One day, a disagreement arose between Seraphis and Malakar. Seraphis wanted to spread good and light, while Malakar sought to introduce chaos and fear. Their conflict grew until it ultimately escalated into a great war between good and evil. Equitus, the neutral god, tried to mediate and maintain balance, but his efforts were in vain.

    Malakar, determined to defeat Seraphis, summoned demons and monsters from the deepest abysses. These dark creatures flooded the earth, sowing fear and destruction among humans. The war between humans and monsters raged for centuries. Each day was filled with battles, pain, and loss.

    However, the people did not give up. Guided by Seraphis' light and hope, they fought for their survival. Seraphis granted them strength and courage, showing them the way through the darkness. Equitus, while remaining neutral, occasionally used his power to maintain balance and prevent Malakar from completely overtaking the world.

    "I have created a menu and a wound, but I am looking for help. If you want to work together, please let me know."
    Discord evald_in_666

    • If you ever move scripts into a folder, and all the sudden your game can't find a specific script, even though the editor itself sees it just fine:

      Make a change to the script, and save it, and it should work again!

      Hope I save you the headache that I went through... 🤣

    • Marlins Zuhause

      ist ein verwunschener Ort, gelegen in einem friedlichen Winkel außerhalb der Stadt. Ein Haus mit Strohdach und einem einladenden Erker, wo Fenster den Blick auf die umgebende Natur freigeben. Eine sanft läutende Glocke und ein plätschernder Brunnen begrüßen den Besucher.

      In der Nähe, auf einer Anhöhe, ruhen die Helden Zisterze und Rahgaj, deren Taten in die Steine des Landes eingraviert sind. Ein Felsklippe wacht über das Anwesen, während der nahe See die Geheimnisse unter der Erde widerspiegelt. Hier, in diesem idyllischen Ort, lebt Marlin, der Held, mit seiner Großmutter, umgeben von der Geschichte und den Legenden seiner Vorfahren.

      Die Statue der Wächterin Adelina

    • Didn't realize this was here, lol.
      I am not new, but thought I'd chime in anyway. 😅

      I'm SODA. I'm here making a game for my husband.
      I used RPG Maker VX ACE before I discovered RIAB, and eventually plan on learning Godot.
      I like using RIAB a lot so far, as it's been a huge help in me learning code knowledge, and getting that programmer mindset in. : )