Just for shorthand, AP = Attach Point.
By default, when adding a new attach point to a model, it adds the attach point to a drop down list in the model properties.
This drop down list is ordered by recently added.

Something that would be really nice for QoL purposes would be if when you configure an attach point to have a model attached to it using the configuration window, it also automatically makes that AP the active one in the properties list until you close the model or change it by attaching another model the same way or manually using the drop down.
I use the Configure Panel to attach a model......

...and because I added a model to "chest" AP (highlighted in red in above image)....it also makes it the active one for me in the properties too. (highlighted in red in below image)

That way I can immediately edit the right one upon closing the Configurator.
Currently, after adding a model to an attach point, you still have to select the right one from the drop down box first before making any adjustments.
This has resulted in too many times than I can count I start changing positions/rotations of unrelated attach points because I forgot to select the right one after adding a model.
My assumption being "i've just attached this model....it needs adjusting....when I edit the numbers im editing this attach point."
As I say, not a major issue, but a nice QoL change would be if relevant attach points were also automatically selected as the active editable attach point in the list for you so you can immediately alter them straigh after adding a model to it as that is usually what you will most likely want to do next...tweak those values.
When re-opening a model and not adding any new models to attach points, it works as it currently does.
Select the one you wish to edit from the list first.