Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
During gameplay

If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:
Free Movement + First-Person camera + Real-Time combat

Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
If you create a spawner that spawns enemies, the enemies will walk extremely random (see video) when spawning after you have killed some of the spawned enemies already. For some reason, this seems to be linked to Damage Shake/Flash effect (in the combat tab of the editor) being turned off. The bug does not really replicate if this flash effect is enabled. This also suggests that sprite-based characters will always experience this bug, as they do not have the ability to show flash when damaged. If there is any fix to this issue, it may be related to the logic around the damage flash effect.

I have reported on this issue previously this year, but the engine has changed a lot since then, and I found more clues, so I figured I would make a new thread with way more details. If it's true that it's just the Damage Shake/Flash effect that causes the bug, then it will be a huge roadblock for anyone considering using sprite-based characters for combat.

Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
No, neither.

Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create a project using the First-Person Magic Shooter template
  2. Remove both goblins from room_01
  3. Add green navigation lines to most of the floor
  4. Add tile (2, -4, 0) to a group called “enemy_spawn”
  5. Create a script called “when_spawner_triggers” with the following Bauxite Code:
    self.behavior["player_interest"] = "seek_player";
    self.behavior["player_interest_range"] = 60;
    self.behavior["move_interval"] = "fixed";
    self.behavior["move_interval_value"] = 0;
    self.behavior["attackable_in_realtime"] = true;
    self.behavior["hostility"] = "always";
  6. Go to the combat tab and
    a. create a new Enemy called “Goblin”
    b. create a new Enemy Spawns called “Goblin Spawner” and drag the “Goblin” Enemy into it
    c. edit Goblin Spawner timer to 3 seconds, 100% chance, 2 limit, turn off Attackable in Real-Time
    d. set the Goblin Spawner’s spawn script to “when_spawner_triggers”
  7. Go to the Items tab and change the Magic Staff weapon’s Ammo/Energy Required to None and up the minimum damage to 99 and maximum damage to 100
  8. Change the Map Properties so that the “enemy_spawns” group now uses the Goblin Spawner
  9. Go to the goblin Character and make sure the behaviour is set to Standard

Important part!

  1. Go to the combat tab and turn OFF Damage Shake/Flash. This will make the bug appear consistently. If you leave it on, the bug will most likely not happen.
  2. Play the game and kill the goblins until they spawn in a weird way where they pace back and forth

Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):

Sigg changed the title to Enemy Spawns issue - with clues! .

I also encountered this bug many times. Approved +1