Jammingjack99 About This is a recreation of the dnd starter campaign dragons of stormwreck isle this image shows the beginnings of the dragons rest map as well as a wood elf fighter charechtor all suggestions are welcome updates will be posted below 1 week update! Its been an exiting week I finally started running the campaign in real life and made some headway on the game as well here is a few things I accomplished dragons rest nearly complete! I finished most of dragons rest there are still some holes but by next week it should be complete this part in particular took a long time Added the first NPC this is Frub a kobold npc he's not even close to done and the model needs work but I still love him 3.Made a cool theme for dragons rest give it a listen! cliffs-of-dragons-rest.mp31MB And finally I started making the first enemy's I hope you are exited to continue this project with me I will have more updates soon