I'm happy to announce that uploaded video files (MP4s, etc.) will now show as a playable video directly within your post! Previously they would only be shown as a downloadable attachment. This is a great way to show off some gameplay of your projects or to provide a visual demonstration when submitting a bug report. Just click the "Upload" button and select a supported video file. Once uploaded, the URL of the video will be automatically inserted into your post. 👍️
Please note that forum uploads are currently limited to 8 MB per file. If you need to shrink a video down to meet this limit, I'd highly recommend checking out Avidemux. It's a great tool for quickly trimming videos or compressing them to a smaller size. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to provide a brief guide on how to use Avidemux to easily shrink a video down to fit within the 8 MB limit.