Hello all, DrDonuts here.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time learning RIAB since getting started on October 5th, and this is my very first game engine. The community Discord has been an incredible resource and a place to speak to talented helpful folks.
While both still fairly early, with hopefully much more to come, I thought I'd show the two projects I've been working on.
My first "clone" game that I wanted as proof of learning and accomplishment, and one picture from my RPG in a Box FALL 2024 Game Jam submission. I think I'll end up submitting at the very end of the window to give myself the most time, but having a month to work on things should hopefully make the end result even better.
First, here is "Alphabet Alienz". My goal here with this game and the games that come after are to recreate the experiences of my Dad's favorite arcade games. 

This is my first, and I have been happily surprised with what I've been able to accomplish. I am already thinking of ways to expand upon it, with the last couple pictures as a sneak peak of what I'm thinking of.
Next is my jam submission, which for now is called "Danie's Quest"

This small map represents some of the mechanics testing I was trying out, and things were quite promising.
Thank you, Justin, for creating something that has allowed me to unlock my creativity. I've always considered myself not artistic, not creative, all while basking in art and movies and games for my whole life. Excited to see what the future holds.