i dote this will be even looked at as my stuff just gets ignored or dismissed as (cant fix/wont be fixed)
issue number 1
i wanna have four party members during the game they all have to share the same inventory but because they all share the same inventory i then cant then equip a weapon or anything from it
for e.g the player character has its own inventory i use the same inventory for party member 1 2 and 3 when i go to equip a weapon from that inventory to there own widget they cant (no matter if there equipment slots like head chest legs weapon are set to the same as the player or have there own making a party member system UTTELY useless
for a engine that meant to be able to make RPGS why is this overly complex/unabble to be done?
cant we make the widgets set to global so any/all character that have assess to it can without me having to design a system where i have to clone the inventory littery four times over and then do a lot of checks to remove said item from everyone's inventory if used/equip?
thought i dote anything getting fixed until the 2.0 comes out witch we still don't have a clue when its coming out i hope this will be looked at so people who wanna make "RPG's" can have one "pool" to allow any characters npc or player controlled can use
issue number 2
lack of 2D support
ever since i has for 2d supported characters there been a lack of support for it
currently 2d characters in my style (2d but in a 3d world) can use close ranged attacks (eg a sword hitting someone next to them) ranged (unless its a circle or something projectile) don't start off from its set starting position
and dont even act like a projectile as it has no way of flying down or upways to try and hit a target let alone just dose what it wants
also there no cam following the projectile to even know if it hits or not
ive littery been asking over a year now for this support to be added/fixed and nothing
the things i also need (and overs who use 2d)
animations names for the following
jump north ,east , south, west, up and down
projectile north east south west
run north east south west
push/pull north east south west
and any over current 3d supported character animations that don't have the north east south west (that is useable for 2d characters)
issue 3
widgets having "layers"
widgets currently don't have layers so i cant compile a widget into one (currently to make a ui i have to use 2-3 widgets to do something one widget can should do widgets
it SHOULD have the ability to have 3 or more layers like background ,centre, foreground so in my case i can put buttons on the background text on the centre overlay on the foreground i doute it would be easy but why not make it a drop down box i can choose witch "layer" I'm working on on the widget and have it still do what it currently can do?
issue 4
== and =< and => and ranges of numbers for globals or over wise
currently and i dont know if this was overlooked but if im trying to do something like this
"global.property ["y"] => 0 and global.property ["y"] =< 100"
it only works with hole numbers e.g 0 to 100
same with ranges
it dose NOT however work with anything that has a decimal point for eg 10.1 etc
has the engine don't even understand it witch to me should be a thing
this applies to ranged numbers random numbers and global values
ill update this as i think of more