For those of you aware, or just becoming aware, there currently is a bug with RPG In A Box that reverts a player's model to the default model each time you load a new map.
This affects the following script functions: Set_Entity_Model() and Change_Player().
If you have a script that changes the player's model...or character entirely... loading a new map will revert the model back to the initial starting one.
This bug ONLY affects the player's model.
Change_Player (which allows you to become a completely different character, with unique stats, inventory, equipment etc) will still work and track the changed stats, inventory, equipment, it's just the model that gets reverted and thus needs fixing.
In the meantime, here is a workaround you can use to have the model persist between maps until this issue is officially fixed.
This workaround does NOT work if your game uses Tactical Turn Based/Menu Driven Combat, so will be of limited use in that case.
Until this bug is actually fixed, changing player or model will break these types of battles.
For Real-Time combat games however, this will resolve the issue.
First, we need to add an extra bit of code to any existing script that either sets a different model, or changes the player entirely.
Let's say we have this script as an example.
It presents the player with a choice, and then changes the player character to the choice.

Right now, due to the bug, whichever character you choose, the model of that character will revert to whichever model your project has as the "Starting Character" let's fix that now.
Let's add a way to track which model the player should be using when they either change player or set entity model.
In our change player example shown above, let's add a player property that will ONLY get set if we change player (we might choose not to, and instead stay as Starting Character).
Each Change_Player path will also add a Player Property called "model" that will store the model name of the character each Change_Player should set.

Make sure the text entered in the Value/Expression field is the exact name of the character model found in the Characters tab.
Next we need a way to check if the model has been "unset" by the new map, and if so, restore it to what it should be.
To do this, we will make a simple script called "Fix_Model", and it will look like this:

The text code is shown below because you will need to edit the text to match what is shown in the image.... the default visual nodes can't be set to this script, so you will need to write it out fully or make the adjustments after adding the nodes.
This script will check if a model property has even been set (you changed character/model), then check if the map has changed your model (is the model the player is now using different to the one the character should be using), and if so, sets the player's model to the one stored in the player's property, thus keeping your model in sync with the character you chose between maps.
Finally, we need to assign this script (Fix_Model) to each and every map's Pre-Load Script event.